Richard Hatch – RIP – IOTW Report

Richard Hatch – RIP

I think this guy was a teenage heartthrob for illustr8r. She sent me the news.

I wasn’t a fan, but I knew of this guy, and I know he was a big deal to the nerds the fans.

(Actually, my dad was a big Battlestar Galactica fan.)

Hatch was 71. He had pancreatic cancer.




18 Comments on Richard Hatch – RIP

  1. Yup-the original Battlestar Galactica Apollo and Starbuck were definitely tween crushes.
    Apollo had the best eyelashes (swoon) and Starbuck had the best hair (swoon).
    Apollo was noble and Starbuck was a bad boy who wasn’t so bad.

    BFF and I would write Battlestar Galactic TV shows. I was Lt. Nova. LOL!

    I saw Richard Hatch at a scifi convention in Vancouver BC a few years back-when the reimagined BSG was going strong. All the girls trailed behind him wherever he went. I talked politics with Dirk Benedict, armed with the fact he and Dwight Shultz from the A-Team were Righties. That was the best part of the convention.

  2. Lots of people with pancreatic cancer lately. Not a good way to go – very very very painful. RIP Apollo. Great show until the network biggies intentionally killed it with stupid.

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