Richard Jewell Testimony at Subcommittee Hearing Requesting Probe of DOJ – IOTW Report

Richard Jewell Testimony at Subcommittee Hearing Requesting Probe of DOJ

YouTube- Surrounded by cameras and his three lawyers, Jewell said neither the FBI nor the U-S Justice Department could be trusted to find the truth.


To hear Comey and company prattle on about the supposed “pristine integrity of the FBI and the DOJ” is a laugh out loud riot.

The DOJ destroyed a man because they could. There was a complete lack of integrity. This incident exposed what these monsters were capable of doing.

11 Comments on Richard Jewell Testimony at Subcommittee Hearing Requesting Probe of DOJ

  1. Did you ever notice that every time there is a bombing or mass shooting, the first thing out of the FBIs mouths is either “no evidence of terrorism” or “we don’t know the shooter’s motive”. Even though the motive and evidence is clear to the rest of us.

  2. Does the movie properly show the 9-1-1 call made warning of the bomb? The 9-1-1 operator couldn’t get the warning through to the proper people, one of the reasons being they couldn’t spell centennial {}.
    This was not “our governments” finest hour.

  3. Tony R: You are wrong. If the act were thought to have been committed by a straight, male Christian it would be branded as terrorism from the get go. It’s only when the person responsible has a dark skin tone do they have trouble identifying the motive, especially if the person was shouting “Allahu Akbar.”

    I remember a photo of Richard Jewell being escorted down a flight of stairs. The picture was taken through a railing that looked like the bars in a jail. I could not help but think that that was set up for just that effect.

    I am planning on seeing the movie.

  4. All righty then. Seems the problem was the “leak”, and not the tunnel vision, target fixation, stampede rush by the FBI to nail Richard Jewel.

    Four years on and the process has only grown worse. Hopefully, the new Clint Eastwood movie will highlight the key mistakes that happened to a wide audience.

  5. Did the same thing to that guy about the Anthrax thing. And, David Koresh went into town, alone, multiple times a week. If arresting him was the point, they could have done it there. But no, they had to make a political statement. And dont get me started on Randy Weaver.


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