Richard Pryor Widow Says He Did Boink Brando – IOTW Report

Richard Pryor Widow Says He Did Boink Brando

Does this mean Quincy Jones dated Ivanka?

Earlier I posted a crazy interview where Jones made all sorts of wacky allegations, one of which was that Jones dated Ivanka, and that Marlon Brando had sex with Richard Pryor.

Now Brando’s widow is saying it’s true and that Pryor was bisexual.

Freaky deaky.

ht/ js

33 Comments on Richard Pryor Widow Says He Did Boink Brando

  1. I don’t care if it was the ’70’s …. why the phuck would anyone have sex w/ Richard Pryor? …. I mean, even if you were coked up to the gills, would you shank Moms Mabley? … I’d think drainspouts would be more attractive

  2. Next I suppose your going to tell me Rock Hudson was running the butt camera. Proof these freaken celebs were insane in the membrane from day one. Stop and think where these celluloid tuff guy came from. Nueva York. They had a lot of time on there hands between classes. And minds wonder. I can see the thought process now. Gee, I wonder what it’s like to have a dick shoved up my ass. We need to stop paying attention to these people.

  3. As an African American I can definitely tell you that the pencil-dicked Pryor never boinked Brando. Marlin told me he liked Tahitian’s, it was summthin’ about the supple brown skin, the curve of the breasts, and his island.

  4. @’lupa ~ excuse me, but … George Washington was a Mason …. so was Ernest Borgnine, Glenn Ford, Henry Ford, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Bill Cosby, Harry Truman, Jerry Ford, Douglas MacArther, Nat King Cole, Col. Sanders & Dave Thomas (Wendy’s), Edward VII & George VI of England, Ataturk, Charles Lindberg, Al Green, Burl Ives, Winston Churchill, Paul Revere, Ty Cobb, Louis Armstrong, Billy Graham, William Claude Dunkenfield, Harry Houdini, Theodore Roosevelt, Eddy Arnold, Clark Gable, Robert Burns, Benny Franklin, Roy Acuff, J. Edgar Hoover, Peter Sellers, Davey Crockett, Isacc Newton, John Steinbeck, Samuel Clemens, Oliver Hardy, Red Skelton, Omar Bradley, George Patton, Samuel Colt, Phil Collins, Duke Ellington & Roy Phuckin Rogers …. you got a problem w/ that?

  5. This is such bullshit. Everybody Quincy Jones smeared is dead and incapable of refuting what he said. The man may be a music legend, but he’s either demented or just an evil prick. And as far as Pryor’s widow goes, he may just not have left her enough money, and this is her way of getting back at him.

  6. Quincy. Who names a black kid “Quincy”?
    Hell, who gives the kid the middle name of “Delight”?

    Peggy Lipton must have ruined him for ever dating women-of-color again.

  7. 99th

    My new current favorite comedian is Dave Chappelle. He has been for a while. One funny SOB. He has no problem telling it like it is. At times I see the same look in his eyes. I hope not.

  8. I’m with TheMule on this one. Pics, or it didn’t happen. Both dead, and can’t speak for themselves to either confirm or deny these silly stories.
    And at this point, who cares?

  9. Oh … wait … can’t find my “I don’t give a shit” at the moment … it’s around here somewhere … Brando was overrated and Quincy Jones … uhh … Quincy Jones?
    Played by Jack Klugman, right?

    Pryor was Gene Wilder’s sidekick in some comedy things – didn’t he always make fun of faggots?

    izlamo delenda est …

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