Richard Simmons Has Been Missing for Two Years – IOTW Report

Richard Simmons Has Been Missing for Two Years

Friends Concerned He’s Being Held Hostage.

richard simmons

Where in the world is Richard Simmons? The enthusiastic workout guru has been actively out of the public eye for nearly two years now, and his close friends are concerned that he’s being held hostage at his Hollywood Hills home, according to the Daily News.

“We were very close,” a friend told the News. “It’s not something that I want to seek publicity about, but we are very concerned. Teresa [Reveles, Simmons’ longtime housekeeper] did turn me away several times.


21 Comments on Richard Simmons Has Been Missing for Two Years

  1. So? You’re big grown up children. He’s a big grown up child. If you are so concerned for Richard’s welfare, DO something about it. Try, and try again, repeatedly, to contact and see him. Use all legal means possible. Don’t whine to us that you don’t know what’s become of him, when you haven’t put forth much effort to find out.

  2. He’s old, frail with no true friends, being held hostage by his housekeepers while they drain his accounts and get themselves inserted into his will.
    True friends would take action.
    My pals would storm that house and get me out, take me to the woods and find out the truth. If they found out I was OK they would return me. If I was infirm and unable to deal on my own they would take me to a facility.
    And if MY friend was being held hostage like that I would kill his tormentors and eat them.

  3. The last time I heard of him it was that video of him with his extremely weird boy-pal in a weird get-up doing bizarre dancercise moves. (Around the time of that prancercize video.) (God that was weird.)

  4. I’ll never forget the time I saw Willard Scott all giddy and shit on tv when he was surprised by Richard Simmons. He kissed him like a school boy. Sickening. I just can’t stand to see flimsy “men”. The other Anonymous was right. Who cares. He’s probably moping about the house wondering why he has a prolapsed asshole.

  5. I know he is no Howard Hughes but is there a Howard Hughes “syndrome” at play here?

    However fluffy Richard Simmon’s is, he still impacted a lot of people for the better with his enthusiasm for fun and exercise. God Bless him and keep him.

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