Rick Scott Will Run to Replace Mitch McConnell as Republican Leader – IOTW Report

Rick Scott Will Run to Replace Mitch McConnell as Republican Leader


The race to replace Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is getting crowded.

Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) announced to his colleagues Wednesday afternoon he will run to lead Senate Republicans next Congress, writing, “I believe now is a moment we need dramatic change.”

Sens. John Thune (R-SD), currently McConnell’s top deputy, and John Cornyn (R-TX) announced their own bids quickly after McConnell announced in February he would not run for another term as Senate Republican leader. more

15 Comments on Rick Scott Will Run to Replace Mitch McConnell as Republican Leader

  1. Via Dan Bongino
    In the Senate, the ten most conservative members are:

    1.00 Sen. Marsha Blackburn [R-TN]
    0.96 Sen. Joni Ernst [R-IA]
    0.91 Sen. Mike Braun [R-IN]
    0.91 Sen. Ted Cruz [R-TX]
    0.91 Sen. James “Jim” Inhofe [R-OK]
    0.91 Sen. Kevin Cramer [R-ND]
    0.90 Sen. Tom Cotton [R-AR]
    0.90 Sen. John Cornyn [R-TX]
    0.89 Sen. James Risch [R-ID]
    0.88 Sen. Marco Rubio [R-FL]
    Admittedly I was surprised to see Rubio make the top ten.

    Would the GOP RINOs in the senate choose a conservative over another RINO?

  2. “It’s hard to find the right Democrat to lead the RNC.” -grayjohn

    On the international Breitbart Perceptivity Scale, that rates a 9.5, which is a very high score.


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