Sanctuary State Connecticut: Illegal Alien Freed from Prison After Killing Two Children – IOTW Report

Sanctuary State Connecticut: Illegal Alien Freed from Prison After Killing Two Children

Breitbart– An illegal alien, convicted of killing two children, was released from prison after serving his sentence by the sanctuary state of Connecticut instead of being turned over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for deportation.

In November 2013, 40-year-old illegal alien Israel Alejandro Gonzalez-Arcinega of Mexico killed two children — a five-year-old and an eight-year-old, who were siblings — in a drunk driving crash before speeding off in Meriden, Connecticut.

That same month, ICE agents issued a detainer for Gonzalez-Arcinega, requesting custody of him rather than releasing him from police custody.

By April 2014, Gonzalez-Arcinega was convicted on two counts of vehicular manslaughter, three counts of second-degree vehicular assault, one count of illegal operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and one count of evading responsibility for a death or serious injury. more

13 Comments on Sanctuary State Connecticut: Illegal Alien Freed from Prison After Killing Two Children

  1. Turning criminals loose on the public. Government is declaring war on their own constituents. The left wants to push people over the edge so they can declare martial law and seize power indefinitely.


  2. So if that asshole kills more people, can the victims families sue Connecticut for failing to turn him over to ICE? Seems like they should. And I don’t mean sue the government — I mean personally sue the bastards who let him walk.

  3. If you’re looking for anything from common sense to strict interpretation of law from the American judiciary, you are flat out wasting your time and beating your gums.

    Restart his mother.

  4. Where has good sense gone?

    At least send his ass back to where he came from, since he’s an illegal. But the sorry state of Connecticut does the opposite.

    Since they let him out to kill again, I’d have preferred to see him pistol whipped till death and his carcass sent back to whatever foreign hole he came from. That’s good sense under the circumstances. I guess illegal aliens get the same rights as US Citizens since Jan. 2021.


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