Rick sidles up to FOX in ratings – IOTW Report

Rick sidles up to FOX in ratings

CFL: Rachel Maddow has just accomplished what many said could never happen – she beat out Fox News in prime time.

Not only did Maddow unseat Fox News as the prime time big dog during the month of August, she also took the number one spot during the previous month.

As reported by Mark Joyella of Forbes magazine, the once all-powerful Fox News isn’t the news powerhouse it once was.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow had the most-watched show in cable news in August, ending the month with 2.783 million total viewers, according to data released by Nielsen Media Research. It was Maddow’s second month in a row as No. 1.

Maddow narrowly beat Fox News Channel’s Sean Hannity, who had 2.679 million total viewers. The remaining shows in the top five for the month were Fox News’ Tucker Carlson (2.483 million), MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell (2.352 million) and Fox News’ The Five (2.351 million). Maddow was also first among adults 25-54, the critical demographic to advertisers.


24 Comments on Rick sidles up to FOX in ratings

  1. Is this because she is gaining viewers? Or because Fox is losing them? I am guessing Fox is driving people away – the only thing I watch anymore is Tucker, and then only when Mark Steyn is on

  2. This is to be expected. Leftists paid little attention to the news for eight years because they thought Obama had everything under control. But now they are flocking to their leftist news shows in this time of “crisis”, even though the “crisis” is just Donald Trump being president.

  3. OK, Fox tanks in news, is this really a surprise? The Murdoch (tabloid) assholes are suicidal Lefties and always have been.

    Now there will be NO conservative answer, to the rest of the Lefty ‘news’ whores.

  4. i havnt watched fox in years. Oh, occasionally i might for a minute or two, but you know what i mean. I wish more would. They are fake conservatives. Nothing to see there, move along.

    I’m sure that latest kerfluffle surrounding that mad irishman cost them a lot of viewers. It appears the left is winning the tired old cable news market

  5. How the hell did this happen? I mean we voted for Trump and now Rachel is getting good ratings? Who am I? Pauline Kael and she did not know anyone who voted for Nixon.

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