RICO Charges For Climate Change Deniers – IOTW Report

RICO Charges For Climate Change Deniers


“At what point would the White House decide that the threat of climate change and the subversion of “big oil” and their skeptical lackeys justify suspending the Constitution?

“….Consider the AG applying RICO to climate change deniers and consider Pierre Trudeau’s use of the military against Canadian citizens…

“Misrepresentation of information to make a political statement or achieve financial gain is central to the AG Lynch’s claim. The White House web page talks about “greenhouse gas pollution” and “carbon pollution.” They incorrectly use carbon, a solid, when they mean carbon dioxide, a gas……”

The White House web page is pure propaganda deliberately designed to strike fear so they can come to the rescue of people and the planet by declaring a state of emergency. This appears to coordinate with the AG giving legal weight to the political agenda by identifying the method and the enemy. It is those dastardly ‘deniers’ funded by the fossil fuel industry who dare to perform their legitimate task as scientific skeptics. I am still waiting for my cheque. Meanwhile the White House confirms that exploitation of fear does suspend reason, just as Gore said.


ht/ zonga

9 Comments on RICO Charges For Climate Change Deniers

  1. Oh, I believe in climate change. I see it every day, and every year with the changing of the seasons.
    I just DO NOT believe in Anthropogenic (man made) Climate Change.
    Now, I don’t get paid a penny by Big Oil.
    I’m sure that with all your Big Guberment resources, you can look up my name, address, and finances.

    So, MOLAN LAAVE. You know where to find me if you’re really interested.
    And it’s STILL Soviet Communism era style ignorance, fear, and intimidation tactics as taught to you by yo porno mama, yo father, and your mentor (real father?).

  2. Come and get me.
    I call bullshit on your whole theory.
    I call bullshit on YOU AGW communists
    Mt. Pinatubo put 20 thousand tonnes of Sulfur Dioxide in the air, over 100 thousand tons of C02, more greenhouse gas in four days than mankind did in 50 thousand years.
    That is just one of the over fifty active volcanoes in the world at any time
    Methane from the continental shelf (the old coast during the last ice age) constantly enters the atmosphere after percolating through the ocean
    Yellowstone vents have never stopped out-gassing in the last six hundred thousand years
    It is not the climate we are changing
    What we should be worrying about is chemicals leaching into the oceans from domestic farming and industrial waste.
    But you can accurately measure that stuff so it probably is not a viable vehicle to use to control the populous.
    This crap is just an excuse to try and push the One World Government and global communism

  3. Awhile back sTevo summed it up – it is impossible to measure the global temperature to two decimal points, but it is possible to pretend it can be calculated to two decimal points.

    Truth is treason in the empire of lies – R. Paul

    Global warming etc. is completely political. Enron invented carbon credits. What more evidence do you need?

    What are the enviro-dictators saying?

    Stephen Schneider,
    Stanford Professor of Climatology,
    Lead author of many IPCC reports

    ”Unless we announce disasters no one will listen.”
    Sir John Houghton,
    First chairman of the IPCC

    ”It doesn’t matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true.”
    Paul Watson,
    Co-founder of Greenpeace

    ”We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”
    Timothy Wirth,
    President of the UN Foundation

    ”No matter if the science of global warming is all phony… climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world.”
    Christine Stewart,
    former Canadian Minister of the Environment

    ”Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”
    Maurice Strong,
    Founder of the UN Environmental Program

    ”The only hope for the world is to make sure there is not another United States. We can’t let other countries have the same number of cars, the amount of industrialization we have in the US. We have to stop these third World countries right where they are.”
    Michael Oppenheimer
    Environmental Defense Fund

  4. If you can’t win the argument (which is impossible with the Globaloney Warming Hoax) you vilify those who speak the truth.

    This is a typical socialist tactic – the National Socialists decried “Jewish” science and the Soviet Socialists promoted “Lysenkoism” and its flawed methodology. Both socialist states suffered for their ignorance and many worthies died trying to explain the facts to the ideologues.

    It’s “deja vu” all over again.

  5. Lynch’s threat, which was actually a statement that the Attorney General would investigate a RICO claim, is largely empty. No one is disputing that there is climate change; the dispute is over the effect of human activities on the world wide climate. As a result, the government would have to prove the extent of human activity on global climate, whether or not this activity will result in an increase or decrease in global temperature, and even whether or not these changes result in any harm to human beings.

    Global warming activists tend to focus only on the existence of climate change, which no one disputes because the climate has continually changed for about 4 1/2 billion years. But the issues in any RICO action will necessarily focus on the other issues listed above, which are very much in dispute and for which the methodolgy (i.e. the accuracy of the various computer models used to predict the climate in the future) will also be in question. In short, if Lynch went ahead with a RICO claim against climate change skeptics, the AG would not be able to prove its case under existing science, and would run a substantial risk of having global warming theories disproved.

    I have read a considerable amount of articles in the past several months where AGW proponents essentially admit they cannot prove their doom and gloom positions, but advocate action anyway “just in case.” But “just in case” is not a legal standard, Lynch knows this, and that is why her threat of a RICO action was carefully worded as an investigation in such claims.

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