Rigged: The Chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission is Co-Founder of “Color Revolution” Org Linked to Steele Dossier and More – IOTW Report

Rigged: The Chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission is Co-Founder of “Color Revolution” Org Linked to Steele Dossier and More


The nominally Republican Chairman of Presidential Debate Commission, Frank Fahrenkopf, is both a co-founder and current board member of the International Republican Institute (IRI), a top “Color Revolution” propaganda outfit. The IRI was run by Never Trump neoconservative John McCain for decades. It is closely linked to the thoroughly discredited Steele Dossier at the center of the Russia Hoax.


Dan Bongino was warning us about the Color Revolution! – Hot Salsa

9 Comments on Rigged: The Chairman of the Presidential Debate Commission is Co-Founder of “Color Revolution” Org Linked to Steele Dossier and More

  1. Frank Fahrenkopf is a well known and very well connected Republican going back to the days of Nevada Governor and Senator Paul Laxalt and Governor and President Ronald Reagan. He’s just the kind of political operator who would rig the deck and deal off the bottom to preserve the Deep State. He’s definitely a Never Trumper, just like everyone else connected to this farce. Cute comb over though.

  2. Olympia Snowe is also on the debate commission. Another deep state swamp creature.
    There were rumors here in Maine that Obama forced Snowe to retire because they had big dirt on her husband, fellow RINO John McKernon’s business dealings.

  3. Beachmom
    I remember that now.
    McKernan was up to his neck in some sort of private education scam, as I recall.
    Now that I think about it, that whole thing just kind of went away.
    Maine hasn’t had a decent representative in Washington since long before Margaret Chase Smith.
    If she had kept out of the Joe Maccarthy investigations, we may not have had the communist infiltration to the extent that we have today


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