Right on schedule, Mitt Romney becomes a Conservative – IOTW Report

Right on schedule, Mitt Romney becomes a Conservative

Breitbart: Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney signaled that he was against amnesty for DACA recipients, claiming that he was more of a “hawk” on immigration than President Donald Trump.

“I’m also more of a hawk on immigration than even the president,” Romney said while campaigning in Utah. “My view was these DACA kids shouldn’t all be allowed to stay in the country legally.”

Romney’s new position suggests he is running right of his immigration views during his 2012 presidential campaign when he promised not to revoke DACA work permits issued by his opponent President Barack Obama.

“The people who have received the special visa that the president has put in place, which is a two-year visa, should expect that the visa would continue to be valid,” Romney said at the time. “I’m not going to take something that they’ve purchased.” more here

27 Comments on Right on schedule, Mitt Romney becomes a Conservative

  1. Oh puleeeze mittens.
    Honestly, you’re making a complete fool of yourself.

    Can I file you under “please go away”?

    You. Hillary. Debbie what’s her name Schultz. Jeb.
    The list grows.

  2. I’m sorry but what is it with these Mormon politicians who absolutely cannot be trusted? Catholics who lie to you, like Ryan, at least seem to have some sense of greasy shamefulness, ditto protestants, but these leftist LDS posing as conservatives seem to be fully committed to the role and actually believe they’re politicking as conservative when they’re clearly not. It’s very puzzling.

  3. I didn’t like the son of a bitch during the Atlanta Olympics when everyone else was fawning over him. He just personifies the personality type I cannot ever warm up to.

  4. “Mitt Romney signaled that he was against amnesty for DACA recipients, claiming that he was more of a “hawk” on immigration than President Donald Trump.”

    And he will remain firm in that position until the day after the election.

  5. The media will have him tucking tail and running away from immigration like a scalded dog very soon. I glad he’s talking like a tough guy; It makes the inevitable walkbacks that much more humiliating.

  6. In Arizona we have to wait til the libs leave before talking about McCain campaigning as a conservative then going full blown commie after being sworn in. Any chance McCain and Mitt went to the same seminar for Republicans who were going to let Democrats win?

  7. Mittens couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paperbag. Hawkish! LOL!!!!
    All he knows how to do well is catch his reflection in shiny surfaces and blow kisses.


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