Right-wing Blogs Are All Set Up To Be Taken Down – IOTW Report

Right-wing Blogs Are All Set Up To Be Taken Down

Senator Marsha Blackburn had to remind one of the largest media moguls the world has ever seen that Diamond and Silk are not terrorists.

I have bad news for Blackburn. To the people who control the media, culture, education and most importantly, advertising (more on that later), we’re worse than terrorists. We’re racists, misogynists, homophobes, Islamophobes, dangerous gun-addicted potential murderers with blood on our hands, you name it. We are worse than ISIS. How so?

Because we support Trump.

There is a reason our president has been called all of the above, routinely, consistently and forcefully, so much so that it’s not even opinion anymore. It is fact. The media has declared it so. (Even some right-wing media, who think they are being cute because they wanted a different president, say it.)

Anyone that supports Trump’s policies are guilty of the same through association. You support this president? You strike terror in the hearts of gentle, reasonable, forward-thinking, valuable people who are in no way deplorable, like you.

Let me preface what I’m about to post by saying the reason YouTube took down my account was because I created an “unsafe environment.” (Remember that phrase.)


Today, at its Accelerate conference in Miami, the 4A’s, the leading trade organization for marketing communication agencies, announced the formation of the Advertiser Protection Bureau (APB). .

The APB will allow agency groups to work together for the good of all the brands they serve by notifying each other when they see any brand ads—whether from their network or not—in unsafe environments.

…the Advertising Assurance initiative include:

  •  Develop a risk management module. APB has a clear mission to work with advertisers to develop categorizations of risk across a spectrum from most safe to least safe. The spectrum will allow agencies, advertisers and publishers/platforms to better delineate each advertiser’s appetite for risk and appropriateness.
  • … media agencies will also work with the MRC to identify efforts and methodologies to mitigate fake news.
  • Educate the ecosystem. The APB will develop an industry playbook that will include new standards, metrics, methodologies and tools to combat unsafe environments for both brands and consumers.

When it comes to brand and consumer safety, media agencies have to put competition aside,” said Louis Jones, EVP, media & data at the 4A’s. “Brand safety and the negative impact it has on consumer trust is an issue that affects everyone. APB is our first step in breaking down the silos to create a united community that protects the health of all brands, while keeping consumers safe, too.

About the 4A’s 

The organization serves 700+ member agencies across 1,300 offices, which control more than 85% of total U.S. advertising spend.

…the 4A’s purpose is to help empower its members to deliver insightful creativity that drives commerce, and influences culture…

The 4A’s Foundation fuels a robust diversity pipeline of talent for its members and the marketing and media industry…


If we disagree with the left, we will be declared “unsafe” to the desired safe environment and our ability to keep our doors open will be stripped from us.

I have to hand it to the left, they’ve finally discovered the legal way to silence us.

Golf clap.

I’ll keep you updated and let you know when we have been declared “obsolete.”

ht/ chi guy




46 Comments on Right-wing Blogs Are All Set Up To Be Taken Down

  1. It’s really nice of this consortium to keep someone like David Hogg from having to organize a boycott of Laura Ingrahams’s advertisers.
    They’ll do the work for him after Laura triggers an alarm bell that she’s created an “unsafe environment.”

    Can we break the United States in two now, please?

  2. Naaaaaa. Not related at all.

    What are we going to do, people?

    First it’s guns, next you can’t get a loan because you said you don’t support open borders on Facebook.

    This is no longer “paranoia.”
    It’s happening.

  3. I feel like my backs against the wall. I can’t keep up with all the Tyrannical shit going on. The heat is turned up on the gun grab so we won’t shoot back at them as they take the rest of our freedoms. There’s a point coming REALLY soon that if we don’t take action it will be to late.

    So I recommend a movie night.

    Legends and Lies, The Patriots.


  4. At the very least, it is time for extensive doxxing.
    In the advertising part of it, who, by name, in the 4A came up with and is driving the APB and Advertising Assurance Initiative? What agencies have signed up? Who, by name, in those agencies manages their 4A collaboration?
    For publicly traded ad agencies, their SEC filings can be a starting place.

    For those names, where do they live? Address? Phone numbers?

    Now, of course I’m not suggesting anybody do anything illegal with any of this information. Heaven forbid! But we need to put names and faces on these totalitarians.

  5. I am once again up too late, but Marla Kaplowitz is the current president, to start with.

    Perhaps this is material disseminated by Horowitz’s Discover the Networks site.

  6. Well, I guess we all need to set up E-Mail and phone numbers cells for like minded people so when it hits the fan we can form up and start spanking them. I never though I would say that.
    It will be a reckoning real soon if the left keeps this up.
    The deep state is not going down with out a fight, and that is what it will be, a fight to the death.
    Just look at what they are trying to to Trump and how much easier it will be do to sites like this, one click of a button and it is shut down.
    To much power has been granted to the people that run the web they need to be reined in, an little pukes like Zukerburg need to be culled.

  7. I do not feel that it is necessary to quote the above “advertiser politburo”, but DAMN that is some of the most Orwellian newspeak I have encountered! Pray folks, be smart, remember where those things that sunk in the tragic boating accident are, and BE SMART! I think that most of us are a half century or more old…. I fear for my children and grandchildren.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  8. I was just on the phone with PHenry, he was talking me off the ledge, and I said something that I failed to make clear in this post.

    There is no clear solution to this problem.

    If the reader said, “well, what can we do?”

    The answer is nothing.

    There is no one to complain to, or no one that will listen.
    I’m not sure what the advertising consortium is doing is legal or not, but what are we going to do, call the police?
    Contact our representative?

    We saw them the last 2 days with Zuckerberg.
    What are they going to do, make him rewrite his terms of agreement? Whoopee.

    I heard nothing along the lines of monopoly or antitrust and busting them up because of unfair business practices.

    I didn’t watch it all, was it mentioned?

    Are right-wing politicians going to protect right-wing speech from being attacked by, and through, commerce?

    Probably not. Half of em probably hate Trump, and us too.

  9. I’m a simple bastard who likes complex ideas. This internet first amendment fight just pisses me off and I have no solutions…..therefore my solution is that when IOTW.REPORT.COM is finally and truly threatened, I will know what to do, in a patriotic non-violent way. Patriot Retort too….

  10. Fur you can not say what you are going to do.
    But if this goes on much longer the left will have to ask when is it going to stop. Antafia, BLM, Me too, will all be taken down.
    People have had enough and will start fighting back, we are paying through the nose to support this crap.
    Illegals getting free shit and citizens getting shafted when is enough, enough?

  11. We will rebuild after the war is won.

    These douches will push and push and push.
    Then the real war begins. Rush’s caller today was dead right. This isn’t an assault on Trump. This craziness is an assault on his supporters.

    Wanna fuck with us? I’m ready. Don’t want to. But I’m ready. It’s your move.

  12. Companies track your social media when they are hiring. Like or frequent a website not sanctioned by the lefty overlords and it’ll cost you a job you already have or the next one you are trying to get. Then, if you decide to not frequent social media that’ll signals to them that you don’t agree with the sanctioned overlord approved websites-signally that you might be a righty-triggering the same outcome. It’s a vicious circle.

  13. Illustr8r Ain’t that the truth!
    I have actually never ever used a social network site with my real name, because I had a feeling it wouldn’t be safe. (employment) But damn, wreck your career, membership to a gym or some other run of the mill stuff is just horrid. The right never did that kind of shit to the left. What for? It’s just butthurt run amock and the left is emotionally sick. They don’t even realize they will end up fucking themselves over, too. So stupid.

  14. Who needs a job? Create your own universe.
    I think I’ll build birdhouses. Or something.

    I’m smarter than any employer I ever had and am tired of building them empires. Trust me. I have built empires. That were squandered. Incompetence. Ugh.

  15. @BFH, yes a monopoly was mentioned Yesterday I dont remember who the senator was and he asked Zuckerberg if he had a monopoly and he snickered and said no I don’t think so said there was other social media outlets.

  16. Something I believe is coming down the pike that we need to watch for: The narrative will continue to be fashioned that the NRA is a “terrorist organization.” It will follow that NRA members will be “outed” and begin losing jobs, will be targeted for harassment, etc.

  17. @Uncle Al April 11, 2018 at 9:41 pm

    > who, by name, in the 4A came up with and is driving the APB and Advertising Assurance Initiative?

    You seem a bit unclear on the “All for one, and one for all!” prayer. If you want to join the herd, to hide in the herd, then there is no moral posturing allowed when the whole herd is loaded into the box cars.

  18. Isaiah 5:20 says in end times evil will be considered good and good considered evil. We are definitely there. It wont be long Christians will be persecuted and hung out in the streets. We need to pray and stay close to God. Memorize some Bible verses to help you get thru troubling times. But have no fear I read the end of the book and guess what WE WIN !!!!!!

  19. @MJA I’m the real me on a few sites for professional reasons but I’m pretty generic and vanilla. Mr Illustr8r has his suspicions about things that have happened to him. We trust no one.

  20. @Poor Lazlo April 11, 2018 at 10:36 pm

    > There are no solutions short of the extreme that will right this.

    And that is the frilliance of those that call you enemy’s plan. None of those that speak out against the right side of history, want anything, even on the same round planet as, “extreme” as a solution. Which leaves the options of more of the same, or less of the same. That is why

    > There is no going back

    But that is on those they call enemy. That is who they are.

  21. “These douches will push and push and push. Then the real war begins. Rush’s caller today was dead right. This isn’t an assault on Trump. This craziness is an assault on his supporters.”

    They will push and push and push because the left always goes too far. But didn’t they lull themselves into a reckless and dangerous position during Obama’s 8 years? I’m asking generally, not just to PHenry. How stupid of the left to reveal their authoritarianism constantly and so openly, and now to escalate it to these insane levels. But they can’t do otherwise, it’s who they are, they’re weak and weak-minded and intolerant and they have to lie and cheat constantly, they’re despicable.

    And more and more normal people see it now, not just regular conservatives living their lives but more and more decent liberals see it now too and they’re being repelled by it. PHenry’s comment, “We will rebuild after the war is won,” hits the right note. We’re on a collision course with a dark ugly force that seems to have been unleashed during the 2000 election FL recount BS and was encouraged and nurtured during Obama’s disgusting administration but I don’t see how we don’t triumph at the end.

    I was listening to Rush today too and heard that excellent caller. I sure hope Trump does start framing this assault as one being waged against his supporters and the country, and not just against himself.

  22. What can we do?
    Violence, I’m sorry to say is probably the answer. If you have a better answer then I’m all ears.
    If you want an actual real world model of the level of violence that I mean, then look no farther than the Los Pepes vigilantes that did considerable damage to Pablo Escobar’s organization by targeting its ancillary support network and people.
    They couldn’t get to Pablo Escobar, but they could get to his lawyers, his gardeners, lieutenant
    S and family members.
    It’s not pretty, but in that case it worked.

  23. It really doesn’t matter if you don’t post under your real name. They know who you are if they want to know.

    Shoot I realized a long time ago posting on conservative sites put me on the camp list, high on that list I’m sure. I do think they’ll come after BFH and the others who run blogs first though. Sorry BFH I can’t cheer you up, because I don’t think any of our future’s look too bright here on Earth.

    Good thing though is like Farmwife said, we do win in the end.

  24. Anonymous: if we are, as Old Racist White Woman says, putting ourselves at risk even by posting under pseudonyms, won’t you consider the courtesy of joining in that risk and writing under a handle?

  25. While I appreciate your very generous offer of inclusion, I don’t yet feel the time is right.
    Also, another tip I might like to forward on, is to get a VPN/Proxy service that is based and headquartered outside of the United States that does not keep records or usage logs.
    True, if the CIA or the NSA really want to hunt you down they will, but this is usually enough to make yourself an unappealing target for anyone else that may simply want to deny you a job or otherwise be difficult.
    It’s also great for downloading movies with impunity if you ever decide to “cut the cord”.

  26. Demonize your target then demonetize them. Straight up Alinsky.

    This is fucked up big time, Fur. I hear fb is backpeddling their ban on Diamond and Silk. It may all just be total bs, we’ll see. In the meantime I pray somebody can figure out a countermeasure to this madness.

    God bless.

  27. So many thoughts on this thread.

    Social media has caused:

    Employers won’t hire you because you’re patriotic/conservative/christian (PCC).

    Want a mortgage or car loan? Banks won’t loan to you, you’re PCC.

    Want to use a credit card? No, you’re PCC.

    Want to buy groceries? No, you’re PCC.

    Want utilities? No, you’re PCC.

    Want water? No you’re PCC.

    That’s the goal of the lefties-come to their side, drink the kool-aid, take the mark, worship their god and you can have whatever you need.

  28. @Guinness Girl April 11, 2018 at 11:44 pm

    > But didn’t they lull themselves into a reckless and dangerous position during Obama’s 8 years?

    > How stupid of the left to reveal their authoritarianism constantly and so openly, and now to escalate it to these insane levels.

    Not stupid. Not even accidental. Those that “oppose” the communalists (honestly — just wish they’d stop it, not actually put their shoes on and do any opposing about it), worship subjugation. They “know” that all should OBEY.

    So, if this week’s sitters on the thrones say “We’ve discovered that you have granted us this, previously unknown, new old power. And, we thank you. Or, rather, we thank your ancestors.”, those that pout about communalism will grumble “No, we didn’t.”. They will not put their shoes on, and clear the thrones. That would be other than OBEY. And, they’ve really not done anything but talk trash. And they always do that. And we always tolerate it. So, nothing to “do” about.

    Then, in the ripeness of time, the new old power is used. And the enemies of the communalists insist that the rules are being OBEYed. Because those are the rules. And rules are rules. So, what can we do? Other than OBEY. Which is a Very Good™ thing.

  29. @Geoff C. The Saltine April 11, 2018 at 10:04 pm

    > Well, I guess we all need to set up E-Mail and phone numbers cells

    > for like minded people

    > so when it hits the fan
    oh. ah. no.

    If (IF) anything “hits the fan”, expecting the honor of those that call you enemy to force them to keep assisting your survival is not a good plan. It’s a plan. But not a “good” one.


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