RINOs Stampeded to Kamala – IOTW Report

RINOs Stampeded to Kamala


Hundreds of former aides who served under Republican lawmakers endorsed Democrat presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, stating that “another four years” of a Trump administration would “hurt real, everyday” Americans.

In a letter that USA Today obtained, a group of more than 200 former aides for former President George W. Bush, Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), and former Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) write that they are reuniting and joining with former staffers for former President George H.W. Bush to endorse Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D). More

20 Comments on RINOs Stampeded to Kamala

  1. This proves the RINO’s would rather have power than properly run America for the benefits of the populace. If they will endorse an obvious Communist as opposed to Trump, it reveals their true intentions.

  2. They’re just revealing what we knew all along…RINOs are just acting like conservatives to get a seat at the political feeding trough.
    One way or the other starting 2025 their charade is crashing down. Either peacefully, or……

  3. These are people who never voted for Trump, likely didn’t generally vote R. The leftists are just trying to convince people that Republicans are leaving the fold when in fact none are, and Dems are leaving in droves.
    Also, nothing you hear in the news is true.

  4. Hardly a Stampede, FAKE NEWS.
    No more than a Small handful of former paid employees of McCain, Bushes and Romney. Financial Sellouts just as their former employers.

    It’s all about Positions, Power and Money. They chose to embrace the Evil ideology of MARX over the Bill of Rights and Constitution. May their traitorous greed be remembered for the remainder of their brief, unremarkable, and communist wanna be career.

  5. The Uniparty theory is absolutely true. For all of our lives, the two party system has been an utter farce. We never really had a choice. And when we were accidentally given one, all the stops were pulled out to undermine it. And those stops are still pulled. The next election (and all others after it) will be an absolute travesty of open election fraud. *THEY* won’t even try to be subtle about it this time.


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