Rinse. Repeat. – IOTW Report

Rinse. Repeat.

ht/ woody

14 Comments on Rinse. Repeat.

  1. …most Communist will tell you, “the ONLY reason it didn’t work is because I wasn’t in charge”.

    …and people FALL for that.


    …communism IS a good deal for the people that RUN it, tho…you get TONS of slaves, and they all spy on EACH OTHER, and if you DO it right, you end up running the system that REPLACES your Communism, too, and you can even bring it BACK in a few years when the kids grow up, as long as you’re careful to call it “Democratic Socialism”…


  2. Fascism is fascism, whether it’s ‘socialism,’ communism, nazi-ism – whatever.

    The idea for the fascist – who cannot make it in the private sector – is to take over, loot the country and doom the rest of us to servitude. Genocide ALWAYS follows. ALWAYS.

  3. All the chart needs to be more complete are pictures of all democrat party presidential hopefuls, members of the squad, and a few chairmen of house committees around the periphery. Better throw in a few pics of Anitifa groups too for good measure.

  4. CORRECTION: There is no such thing as a Communist Utopia.
    Communists take over capitalist run institutions – government, banks, schools, etc. THEN proceed to bankrupt those institutions.

    A PSEUDO, imaginary Communist Utopia, only exists as propaganda. The affect of communism, like a flesh eating disease, feeds on confiscated wealth until there is nothing left – especially, for the masses (general population). The cadre, (ruling class) retain wealth for themselves.

    Consequently, another capitalist nation must be found to continue the communist economic “blood sucking” process all over again. That is the pathological, motive operandi of communism.

  5. I think it’s time once again to dust off and reread The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Witness by Whittaker Chambers, The Chronicles of Wasted Time by Malcom Muggeridge, The Roots of American Order and The Conservative Mind by Russell Kirk. If the snowflakes ever possibly were to read any of these books maybe they just might change their brain dead minds but I doubt it since they’ve been indoctrinated by the commie Howard Zinn and his bullshit revisionist American history book. Throw in Ray Bradbury and Robert A Heinlein as well.


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