RIP Bob Newhart – IOTW Report

RIP Bob Newhart

33 Comments on RIP Bob Newhart

  1. Aww…my dad’s all time favorite.
    Bob brought him many tears of laughter throughout his lifetime.
    I knew I’d be seeing this one day.
    I hope he’s laughing with him up there now. ✨ 😇

  2. A great original show, followed by another great show as the inn keeper. Absolutely best finale. Great that he visited Big Bang Theory a few times. Memorable performances whatever he did. RIP

  3. I loved Newhart. The funniest episode ever was his last one. He and Michelle Pleischette waking up in bed and he related how he had a weird dream that he ran an inn in the country.

    Talk about a curveball. That was a hell of a twist.

    RIP sir.

  4. Having tested quite a few Netflix “stand up comedy” shows, they are NOT comedy. Modern “comedians” are sad, talentless individuals talking about their aberrant lives. Like sitting in on a psychologist’s appointment. The audience laughs for no conceivable reason. So many people just doing what they are told.


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