RIP, Callie – IOTW Report

RIP, Callie

From Truckbuddy:

“Kitty Callie passed away today. She was 15, It was quick. Sammy already misses his buddy. Stood by her when it happened. We think it was a heart attack or pulmonary embolism. I got home in 7 minutes and she was already gone. We took her to the vet to be sure.

Sad day.

BFH did her portrait; said it was one of the more challenging.”

41 Comments on RIP, Callie

  1. so sorry for your loss. our pets bring us some of the greatest joys we will ever experience in life. it is devastating to lose them.

    know that you gave them a good life, & enjoyed you as much as you enjoyed them.

  2. Well damn. I always mist up when a pet buddy passes.

    I miss my best buddy, Beans, a man’s cat. Damn near s dog.

    Build a beautiful perennial flower garden over your pal. She’ll come back every spring.

  3. I’m so sorry to hear about Callie. Your other guy, Sammy, give him some extra love because he will miss her as much as you.

    She was a beautiful calico.

    Having lost my 3 oldest cats in the last 4 yrs it is heart breaking. I still miss all of them.
    They are such a gift, our animals.

  4. What a great pic of Callie. Lots of depth, detail and color with LIGHT there.

    Deepest sympathies Truckbuddy, you have lost more than a pet you’ve lost a friend and family member. I like to think of certain ‘ones’ as ‘a familiar’, you know them and they YOU.

    It sucks, we had a callie called Missy, that was about ten plus years ago.

    So now we have Bonnie/Clyde and Buds, who I just kissed on the head in honor of Callie.

  5. The French poet Charles Baudelaire, a cat fancier, believed in familiar spirits.[6] Wiki

    “It is the familiar spirit of the place;
    It judges, presides, inspires Everything in its empire; It is perhaps a fairy or a god? When my eyes, drawn like a magnet To this cat that I love…”

    Truckbuddy, she’ll always be with ya.

  6. I love that portrait of Callie. Each day is a gift and she will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge. I also have a 15-year-old with me for now, for today at least. We love the pets as they add so much love to our lives!

  7. Thanks everyone. Callie the Calico from C****o was her full name. She was a really great cat. Last of three I got after I escaped the Great (pah) Blue North. I gave her to my wife when she was going through her divorce a few years before we got married, so I got her back. She was a stray kitten that found me.

    Took the day off and went out shopping with my wife and Sammy. She needed to get out, she retired before me and was the one who had to witness it all at home. She loved that cat as much as I did. I think doing something is the best cure for sad thoughts, so I bought a surplus Beretta.

    I don’t do social media, this is where I go. Sorry for the sad story. I pray for a long life for my lil’ buddy Sammy, who watched me test out the 92s from the back window. Bless you all. I don’t have much family so losing a pet is hard.

    While we were out we saw a rare Winter rainbow.

  8. My heart goes out to you Truckbuddy. You will see her again someday.

    I understand all the fine people here who grieve over a beloved family member. Our pets are such innocent creatures that give our lives so much happiness.

  9. It might shock you all to hear this…But I love cats too.
    I miss my buddies Scratchy and Stormy…
    Truckbuddy…your furry friend is in a very happy place now.
    God Bless.

  10. Remember me always, but do not grieve for me too long.
    I have tried always to comfort you in time of sorrow,
    and have made every effort to add joy to your life. I
    never want to cause you pain.

    Peace for me is certain now, and I suspect I will have
    eternal sleep in the earth I loved so well.

    Please, after your period of grieving for me, make
    room in your heart for another. You are the kind of
    human being that should always have a friend like me
    to love. Your kind and gentle heart should not be
    wasted on my memory for too long. Give your love to
    another. I know your new friend will never take my
    place, because we had something very special.

    You loved me very much and I loved you. My spirit will
    always be with you, and no matter how deep my sleep,
    my grateful heart will always be purring for you.

  11. I lost my calico 14 years ago. Buried her on the side of the mountain we both enjoyed. So many times I awake, feeling her jump on my bed. You will see and feel her many times.

  12. I bought two picture frames for photos of two of my dearest furry four-foots, both from the shelter.

    The frames have writing on them — “Thanks for everything. I had a wonderful time.”

    The saying reminds me that I gave to them, just as they gave to me — that I was there when they needed me. Somehow, that soothes me.

    I am so sorry for your loss. Callie was so lucky and blessed to have you.

  13. God bless you both for your loss of a sweet kitty… all cats go to heaven, they have souls so where else would they go?
    I hope she’s maybe spending some time with other kitties of her caliber- I can think of a few of my own that have passed that would be great company. </3

  14. I know what you’re going through….early on Tuesday morning we had to put down our orange tabby, Newt. He threw a clot and his back legs weren’t functioning, so we did what we could to see that he didn’t have to suffer needlessly. We adopted him at the age of 12 because we didn’t want him to spend his remaining time on earth in a cage at a shelter because no none would take a 12 year old cat. He had swagger and an attitude to match the notch on his right ear, but behind all the bravado we had an 18 pound mush.
    We gave and got 4 years of love because of that.
    He will be missed, to say the least.


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