RIP Jan Michael Vincent – IOTW Report

RIP Jan Michael Vincent


According to a death certificate from a North Carolina hospital published by TMZ Friday, the actor passed away on Feb. 10 after suffering a cardiac arrest. The document shows Vincent was 73 at the time of his death and that no autopsy was performed.

ht/ wds

21 Comments on RIP Jan Michael Vincent

  1. So sad. I met him once at the Soldier of Fortune convention in Scottsdale, AZ in 1982. He seemed like a decent fellow. He went through our jump school then.

  2. Baby Blue Marine and Defiance are a couple of his good movies. Still remember my Grandma taking me to see Worlds Greatest Athlete. She took us to every Disney movie that came to the theater.

  3. He was also in Tribes an ABC movie of the week from the early 70’s with JMV playing a hippie who is drafted into the Marines and is schooled by a couple of hard ass DI’s played by Darren McGavin and Earl Holliman. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen this movie all I remember is how they tried to break his rebellious spirit when he was in boot camp, I can’t even remember if he made it into the Marines or not. I also like Air Wolf, it was my son’s favorite show when he was a little kid.

  4. No disrespect meant however during ‘AirFox’ he turn into the poster child for alcohol abuse. Understands co-starring with Ernest Borgnine.
    Finally RIP jan

  5. WOW! he died a month ago and this is the first anyone hears about it? he was a huge star in the 70s and 80s. this seems really odd in the age of 24-7 news.


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