RIP Lia – IOTW Report


From Rick:

Our beloved 11.5 year old Lia, a half Yorkie/ half Chihuahua passed on December 27th.

For her size she was larger than life.

She watched movies and tv avidly. Her favorite tv show was Grimm; and she would wait until the ‘monsters’ showed up to bark and shake her pink rubber bone at. She figured out that commercials were a time for her to run to the back door, barking to be let out. She’d bark to get back in, scoop a mouthful of kibble in the kitchen to crunch on the couch; waiting for the next monster.

From the time she was a puppy until days before her passing; Lysol could not be sprayed without a concerted effort to bite the spray can.

If she thought you were sleeping too long, she would run up and down your prone body conducting WW Wrestling slams on your side.

Anyway, she will never be replaced.

But some of her sassy attitude shines through in photos….

Lucas (the Maltese)always played second fiddle to Lia.

Lia will now be exploring Heaven nonstop.


27 Comments on RIP Lia

  1. Ever since I started taking care of my very elderly mother a dozen years ago, her little female terrier mix has become attached to me. She knows my name too as when Mom calls for me and I don’t hear her, the dog barks loudly so I can hear. They’re both very old now, it’s only a matter of time. Every moment is precious.

  2. I lost my little Chihuahua, Mini, not quite a year ago, and your Lia reminds me a lot of her. She was three pounds of pure power, not so much in muscle but in spirit, she had full sized Boxers and Pitties that would kneel before her and bossed her humans around as well.

    May the Lord give you the blessed assurance, Rick, that he met your Lia at the Rainbow Bridge, and that she is happily side tackling Him until the time when you lay your own trophies down and go to join them both, and that will be a glad reunion indeed.

    God Bless,

  3. Thank you all for your heartfelt comments. The wife and I still can’t believe that our little boss is gone. I only mentioned a couple of her funny quirks; this dog could have had her own sitcom!
    Thanks again for your kind words. It means a lot to us, believe me.
    Lastly, thanks Claudia for your kindness.


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