RIP Little One – IOTW Report

RIP Little One

This is Kenner. He was Carmenzoid’s.

I love this little guy. A Chiweenie- solid, proud, a great companion.

24 Comments on RIP Little One

  1. Sorry to hear that. Always real tough when that time comes.
    There’s not a human alive that is capable of giving the companionship our dogs do and the loss is always deeply felt.

  2. Kenner Bailey has was absolutely amazing. He was my Velcro buddy, always ready to play or nap or lick away my tears. A true best friend, better than any human friend I’ve ever had. R.I.P. my tiny prince.

  3. I Believe that our fur buddies are blessings from God.

    They teach us what unconditional love is, even when we may have forgotten.

    They show us what true loyalty looks like, even if we have never seen it before.

    They are true friends when we need them the most.

    Thank you God for giving us these little furry blessings, they make this world a better place.

    And my favorite saying- “Please Lord, help me to be the kind of person my dog thinks I am.”

    Rescue dogs are the best because we come to find that they have rescued us far more than we rescued them.

    MSG Grumpy

  4. Carmenzoid, I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you hold tight to all the happy memories of Kenner. @MSG Grumpy. After going 3 years without a pup in my life, (since last fur baby passed away) we adopted a beautiful Black lab/ Pointer mix. She was transferred from a kill shelter in Mississippi, up to a shelter in MI. I can’t imagine not having her in my life. I fully appreciate Carmenzoid’s sentiment that her canine friend was better than her human friends.

  5. Dogs are the best companions. I believe that before Adams fall dogs and other animals had limited vocabulary. So when you meet up with your buddy in heaven he will say “I love you” and “what took you so long?” and “lets go for a walk”

  6. Carmenzoid, God blessed you with the time you had with your buddy, Kenner. It’s hard now; go ahead and grieve. The joy you two shared will, at first, tear at pieces of your heart because of his loss. After some time, it will begin to heal. You will treasure his memory.

    God bless you.

  7. RIP sweet little pup.

    Carmenzoid, so sorry for your loss. Our furry companions add so much joy to our lives, and their loss leaves a huge empty space.

    Kenner is romping happily across the Rainbow Bridge. Hope he says hi to Jamie, Callie, Maggie, Rags, and Molly. You’ll see him again.

  8. Sorry for your irreplaceable loss
    the irreplaceable ones in my life, Lady, Ginger, Tippy, Poochie, Basil, Gretchen, Freckles, Brandy & Sadie are happily greeting Chiweenie

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