RIP Mary Tyler Moore – IOTW Report

RIP Mary Tyler Moore

Chuckles the Clown Funeral—>

32 Comments on RIP Mary Tyler Moore

  1. Bitter Clinger “MTM on The Dick Van Dyke Show… My first crush”.

    When I was about 5 or 6 years old I told my parents that I thought MTM was pretty. My dad complemented me for my good taste!

  2. She was the sultry voice on Richard Diamond Private Detective before Laura Petrie–yes, I am that old! Chuckles the Clown is one of my all time favorite episodes of any show. “A little song a little dance a little seltzer down your pants”
    RIP sweet lady.

  3. Remember that Saturday Night All Star line up with All in the Family and Mary Tyler Moore and Bob Newhart?

    It almost made you glad that you were an uncool kid because you could stay at home and watch ’em all. Otherwise you would have had to go to all the drunken parties and miss all the fun

  4. Such a sweetie. Pure class. Ed Assnerd? What a dip shit. Should have either died or killed himself a long time ago. He’s not good enough to get into heaven and the devil has enough trouble so we’re stuck with the rotten piece of shit.

  5. On October 14, 1980, at the age of 24, Moore’s son Richard died of an accidental gunshot to the head while handling a sawed off shotgun. The model was later taken off the market because of its “hair trigger”.Moore and Tinker divorced in 1981.
    I really felt bad for her when this happened.

  6. Favorite Dick Van Dyke episode was when the FBI placed an agent in Rob and Lara’s house to surveillance criminal activity in the house across the street.

    Laura was very nervous about it, as I recall, but Rob was very into it to the point of being a nuisance, pestering the agent. I remember this exchange.

    Rob: Hand me the binos
    Agent: The what?
    Rob: The binocs
    Agent: The what?
    Rob (exasperated): The binoculars!!
    Agent: Oh.

    It’s been decades so that might not be exactly correct.

  7. RIP, MTM. My original feminist icon has passed. Here’s to the woman who showed a generation of girls they could grow up to be Laura Petrie with a sweet hubby or Mary Richards with a swell job… or Joan Jett with a cool band… or me with a sweet hubby and my own business and a class A contractor’s license (complete with a pink hard hat, not a knit cap)! Unfortunately, I can’t sing or play guitar but check out Joan Jett rocking MTM’s theme song:

  8. Thanks for the laughter Mary.

    Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  9. she’ll always be remembered as that young woman, full of life, throwing her hat in the air.

    I remember thinking how much better 30 Rock would have been with a lead like MTM. Tina Fey came off as so drab and whiny.

  10. @ironyCurtain

    “The Dick Van Dyke Show and Mary Tyler Moore were two of my top favorite shows of all time. Man, was she great.”

    Absolutely. I remember as a child in the 60’s watching the Dick van Dyke show in B&W.

    The MTM show in color was one of are staples in the 70’s.
    All of us kids lying on the floor glues to her show.

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