RIP Michael Nesmith – IOTW Report

RIP Michael Nesmith

This makes me sad. He was the best musician of the Monkees. I made a CD of my favorite songs of theirs and 3/4ths of them are Michael’s. Rest in Peace, Michael.

Entertainment Weekly

The Monkees singer-songwriter and guitarist Michael Nesmith died on Friday morning from natural causes. He was 78 years old.

“With Infinite Love we announce that Michael Nesmith has passed away this morning in his home, surrounded by family, peacefully and of natural causes,” his family said in a statement obtained by EW.

46 Comments on RIP Michael Nesmith

  1. I never missed one episode of the Monkees. I glued together the plastic model car of the Monkeemobile and I was crazy for these guys when I was a kid. This makes me so sad. RIP, Michael. We will always remember the joy you brought into our lives.

  2. The Monkees were actually a lot better band than many give them credit for. I attempted to watch a movie based on their lives a few months ago on Prime, couldn’t make it through even half. Movie was awful, band was great.

  3. My oldest kid thought they were great 50 yers go. The rest were unimpressed. Wife and I were big fans from ’65 to now!

    My wife sent me tapes of ‘rock music while I was getting bladed and shot in “That crazy Asian War”; Day Dream
    Believer was fav! Still is!

  4. I appreciate his solo music. There’s an interview from a fairly recent convention where he rambled on and on, it was uncomfortable to watch, you could tell he was losing his grip.

  5. They were on TV about the time of Death Valley Days on Saturday nights back around 1967. I stood in line in the 80’s for a come back tour and caught them live! The only time I ever waited for tickets

  6. I remember some of the teen Boomers sneering at the Monkees, saying they were pap for us snotty little Gen Xers, I didn’t care. We were too young for the Beatles, but the Monkees were just perfect.

  7. PHenry, I now copy after every ten words, so when the blankening happens, I don’t have to retype or give up on the comment. I thought I was the only one getting zapped. Thanks for mentioning that.

  8. I can’t say that I have a lot of the Monkees in my library, but it was always good, clean music that had The 60s written all over it which is why I like it!!
    RIP Michael Nesmith. You earned it!

    I have very few problems with this site.
    Zip, zero, nada when using the Mac computer (Safari) and only occasional issues when using an Android tablet and phone. Very rarely have I had a post vaporize on me, but if it does it usually happens on the Android tablet which admittedly is getting old (2015).

  9. I just heard. Sad, sad indeed. I wasn’t a Monkees fan but I did appreciate greatly the songs, with, and intelligence of Mike Nesmith.

    Heading to the music room to play and sing “Some of Shelley’s Blues,” maybe I can get through it with out crying.

    “Elephant Parts” just became quite nostalgic, along with “Repo Man” and all the existing videos of his TV variety show.


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