RIP, Princess Leia – IOTW Report

RIP, Princess Leia


Fox News

26 Comments on RIP, Princess Leia

  1. The standard epitaph of the left-wing: The combination of drugs, fame and tumultuous relationships may have had a lot to do with her premature death.

    I hope Amy Schumer is close behind.

    Never really cared for her as an actress, either.

    Alec Guinness was an actor. Charelton Heston was an actor. Carrie Fisher was famous because her parents were famous. I’ve seen her screen tests.

    Hey, if the left wants to label me as a heartless conservative, why shouldn’t I fill their bill in that regard.

  2. Just heard the news. Despite having mental issues and being Hollyweird “royalty”, she was gifted, funny and very entertaining. God is merciful. May she rest in peace.

  3. @ TSUNAMI, It’s not that I never cared for her. I was more neutral, though I did think her bit as Mystery Woman was enjoyable.

    And yes, famous because of her parents, but unlike the Hilton sisters or that dreaded K clan, she actually did something. Read a blurb about how she was one of the better script fixers, but it wasn’t widely known.

    This year and the next few are going to suck the life out of the real talent pool. There’s a disproportionate group of aged musicians, writers and film people (unstable substance abusers or not), all of an age. 60 is still pretty young, with the benefits of advanced medicine at the fingertips.

    Prayers for her family.

  4. @99th Squad Leader You said it perfectly. She was a gifted writer and was the go to script doctor in Hollywood. She loved her goofy dog Gary and was quite the character beyond the cinnamon bun hairdo of Princess Leia.
    🙁 🙁 🙁

  5. Princess Leia action figures were as close to playing with dolls as I ever came. I think I’ll go hold those gems from my childhood for a bit today.

    Godspeed Leia… 😓

  6. She had a pretty good sense of humor, too. Here’s her account of how George Lucas convinced her to go braless in Star Wars:

    “Anyway, George comes up to me the first day of filming and he takes one look at the dress and says, ‘You can’t wear a bra under that dress.’ So, I say, ‘Okay, I’ll bite. Why?’ And he says, ‘Because…there’s no underwear in space.’ I promise you this is true, and he says it with such conviction too! Like he had been to space and looked around and he didn’t see any bras or panties or briefs anywhere. Now, George came to my show when it was in Berkeley. He came backstage and explained why you can’t wear your brassiere in other galaxies, and I have a sense you will be going to outer space very soon, so here’s why you cannot wear your brassiere, per George. So, what happens is you go to space and you become weightless. So far so good, right? But then your body expands??? But your bra doesn’t- so you get strangled by your own bra. Now I think that this would make a fantastic obit- so I tell my younger friends that no matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.”


  7. guess the ‘Force’ wasn’t with her

    … too soon?

    (never had anything against her … she lived a pretty tumultuous life … RIP Princess*)

    *she probably hated being called that, lol

  8. I’ve never seen any of the Star Wars films or anything with Carrie Fisher, so I don’t really have an opinion as for her acting, but I knew of course who she was. And 60 is just too young. She did seem to have a wealth of ideas still yet to come.

    My mom (a nurse) used to always say nature has a funny way of taking care of its own, in this case mercifully calling Fisher back to her maker–had she lived, her oxygen-deprived brain (for ten minutes) would not have made things any easier. There is a mercy, too, for her family, in that they were spared having to wrestle at all with that sort of decision.

    RIP, Carrie Fisher.

  9. ^ Huh. Didn’t know that, CSteven, but I usually don’t know that about people in the world unless they’re trying to validate their relevance by being so in-your-face about it. If that’s not the case, I miss it altogether.

  10. If you read between the lines of the press release, you knew she was a goner. She was on total life support the minute she entered the hospital. Two days later, the report said she was stable but DIDN’T say she was off the respirator.

    That’s when I knew they were just delaying the end until after Christmas, for the sake of her fans

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