He was 84.

18 Comments on RIP RIP

  1. RIP TORN.

    But ya know what?

    A dear friend of mine passed away today.

    A former radio operator, a ground soldier in Viet Nam, who made it home. He was a LEADER in his community and a leader to many of others and the salt of the earth. He was one of the first people to welcome the Mrs and I into a certain place…our local bar! And the American Legion as he got me signed up for the Sons of the Legion.

    Major RIP and thanks Big Bob McGuirl…

    A mentor and and former neighbor.

    From what am I told, a soldier’s soldier.


  2. We all have a different taste for humor. Mine did not include the antics of Rip Torn but I bid you farewell.

    Having a sense of humor is important and beats the shit out of a crying/screaming liberalā€¦.any day.

  3. This is about RIP TAYLOR, not RIP TORN,,
    just fyi, tribute to Rip Torn is a little late, Torn was a great actor.

    We all have a different taste for humor. Mine did not include the antics of Rip Torn but I bid you farewell.
    Having a sense of humor is important and beats the shit out of a crying/screaming liberalā€¦. any day.
    Agrees, jellybean
    Sorry my edit did not make the time frame,

  4. Rip Torn was great in City Heat with Eastwood and Reynolds.

    But really I’m glad my last television that could “get” TV channels died in 1998.

    This guy, Rip whatever, I have no clue who he was.

  5. Rip Taylor made a career out to being flamboyantly homosexual (not that’s there’s anything wrong w/ that), but he never, to what I saw of him, went overboard & threw it (not the confetti) in your face … I could tolerate it ā€¦ live & let live

    Rip Torn, otoh was a hoot ā€¦ check him out in ‘Defending Your Life’ ā€¦ he was married, for years, to Geraldine Page ā€¦ he called their home ‘Torn Page’

  6. My bad, what the hell do I know. Iā€™ve lost so much ā€˜give-a-shitā€™ about Ho wood, but Iā€™m willing to accept my stupidity about an enterprise that has long since fallen from grace.

  7. so…he’s DEAD?

    How am I supposed to know if the headline doesn’t say RIP TORN DEAD how am I supposed to know whether he’s DEAD or not.

    I’m just gonna’ assume he’s DEAD.

  8. Rip Taylor was hysterical. Like the great Charles Nelson Reilly and Paul Lynde, he made a career out of laughing at his own barely-in-the-closet lifestyle. Sadly, that sense of humor is gone today.
    I’d throw some confetti to salute him but, uh… what the hell would I be doing with confetti?

  9. For all those that ‘liked’ that post…I really appreciate it, it made me cry after I read it again.

    Thank you very much.

    I told a friend of mine about his passing (did not really know him) and his MOS/Army as a radio man, and he reminded me, that the radio men were considered high value targets.

    Which made a lot of sense.

    Bob was the type of fellow that helped veterans in need that no one will ever know about, a selfless man.

    “Leave no one behind…but take care of each other when you get home…because that is what we have left”

    He passed away at the VFW hospital at Kingsbridge road just off the Major Deegan there at Fordham Rd.

    Bob, a graduate of Pelham High School ’68ish then drafted, one of his fellow graduates of Pelham High went to Mississippi to be part of the civil rights movement.

    Micheal ‘Mickey’ Schwerner was killed, a ‘trouble maker’. I think The Onions Fields may be a movie made about that.,_Goodman,_and_Schwerner

    Very FUCKED up times and people think this is bad now.


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