RIP Super Dave Osborne – IOTW Report

RIP Super Dave Osborne

22 Comments on RIP Super Dave Osborne

  1. He was Albert Brooks older brother. I didn’t know that.
    RIP Super Dave-when funny was funny.

    (Jerry Seinfeld talks to him on Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee. Very funny as always.)

  2. @Larry The Liberal

    Uh huh, uh huh.

    Dick: Let’s fight conservative fascism.
    Tom: OK…how do we do that?
    Dick: You yell “FUCK” on tonight’s show.
    Tom: Yeah! That fucker Nixon will hate that…what are you going to yell?
    Dick: I dunno…maybe “CUNT”… what d’ya think?
    Tom: Let’s put them together…You say “FUCK”, I’ll say “CUNT”, then we’ll flash pictures of that bastard son-of-a bitch Nixon and his cunt wife together.
    Dick: That’s so damned funny….we’ll get those Nazi fucking bastards crying their eyes out.
    Tom: This is so damned cool…we’ll influence the next three or four generations to say stuff like that. They’ll be yelling FUCK and CUNT to their own grandmothers…be spray painting “FUCK” on walls all over the world….”FUCK” and “CUNT” will be on TV everyday. This is the best way to tell those goddamned Nazi Conservative KKK guys that there’s a new generation and we’re not afraid to say “FUCK” and “CUNT” on TV.
    Dick: There’s a brand new day coming Tom….no more Conservative Nazi pricks to mess our minds and tell us we can’t say “FUCK” and “CUNT” whenever we want to.
    Tom: We’re fighting for freedom, Dick.
    Dick: We’re finally gonna be free from Conservative Fascist Nazi Republican Scumbags always trying to tell us what to do.

  3. That there Super Dave was downright funny.

    (I had to write that in Hollywood’s version of hick broken English so Larry could understand it. Not that liberals could even understand SIT. STAY). Oh whatever. I waste brain cells and keystrokes on the brainless. Sorry.

    RIP Dave.

  4. What a suckass day. 🙁 Good friend of mine died about 6pm today; an “extra” aunt to my little daughter, who’s gonna be devastated. 2019 is going from “suck” to “blow” at this point…

  5. My in-laws were friends of his. I saw SDO at a party a few years back and asked if they knew Super Dave. My Mother in law said no that’s Bob, we went back and forth for a bit. A few days later my mil asked him if he was supper Dave he laughed and said yes.


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