RIP Vanderleun – IOTW Report

RIP Vanderleun

Gerard Van der Leun has passed away.

He was a friend. He actually taught me a bit about blogging.

He was a great guy.

Here is his last post.

Read more at Ann Barnhardt

22 Comments on RIP Vanderleun

  1. Caught the one at Barnhardt earlier this morning and really got to me. Reminded of others I personally knew that are no longer with us. She did a nice job on this one…

    The older I get the more these bother me. Not fearing my demise, but pissed and saddened by what’s being done to us. So many forced by the need to keep earning a living…

    And for those who believed and were part of the mass psychosis I can’t help but feel bad fr them as well.

  2. He ain’t coming back this time. He went so fast it crossed my mind that maybe he was vaxxed because almost the same speed has overtaken an old friend. My friend went from perfectly healthy & vaxxed in May to he ain’t gonna see another summer from a formally very rare form of pancreatic cancer.

    Ann confirmed that Gerard had the injections.

  3. I met Gerard several years ago. One of those people you just love talking to. I never had time to get involved in his blog. I’m sure it was good. Unfortunately he wasn’t a very healthy guy. Did the JAB case Turbo Cancer. IDK. I’m sure it didn’t do him any good, but like I say.

  4. His writing was sharp and smart but he was as much a curator as a writer on his blog, which was really sharp and smart and artsy. I checked it intermittently and would always spend too much time catching up because I had missed too much good stuff.

    I sense we are now entering The Great Sadness when we will be losing many good writers, artists, champions, friends, neighbors, and numbers to the residue of the vax.

  5. This thought provoking post pulled forward memories of a buried past.
    I served with many who shared Gerald’s view when at Berkeley, they were Draftees in Vietnam.
    Some were exceptional, all were no better or no worse than those who willfully enlisted.
    It is amazing how a person’s political viewpoint changes when your very life is dependent on yourself, and most importantly, upon those around you.
    We shared our lives and the will to survive.
    Most of us did, some did not.
    Their names too are honorably inscribed on Granite.

    RIP Mr. Gerard Van der Leun, You did good. People agree, we do not want more granite memorials filled with the names of our young Service Members.

  6. Like so many here, I visited his blog almost daily. He curated so many interesting posts that I would never have come across on my own, but was at his best when he wrote. His prose was poetry. I loved so many of his unique offerings.

    The blog will only last another two years before it becomes “digital dust”, and I have been copying and pasting many selections in the past few days which I will then open and print to keep and read again and again.

    God bless him and keep him. Amen


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