RIP William Hurt – IOTW Report

RIP William Hurt

21 Comments on RIP William Hurt

  1. If you’re uncomfortable about a prostate exam just crap in a box and mail it to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, Washington DC. At least you will have sent a message before you die.


  2. As a doctor once commented to me, all of us men will eventually get prostate cancer, if we live long enough. Early detection and treatment are the key to survivability

  3. Prostate Cancer? Is that what is being said? If that the case I bet he was aware of it and been/being treated for it. As I’ve read the jab does have as a side affect/feature of causing existing cancers to come back to life in an aggressive form. That’s a possibility.

  4. Yep, Body Heat.

    Kathleen Turner – Fantastic as the beautiful, super smart, and conniving Black Widow type, and Wm. Hurt perfectly played by the silly sex-crazed fool who falls into her web.

    The scene where he does some jogging and at the end pulls out a pack of smokes and lights one up – the audience laughed, and I did too, but it was more than funny – it was the director’s way of showing the Hurt character as having no self-control over his physical needs and habits.

    Now Kathleen Turner is obese and Wm. Hurt is dead – no more hurt for Wm. Hurt.

  5. Ned Racine was one hell of a good lawyer when he was in the sack with Matty Walker. When he was in Court, or anywhere else, he was not so good. There ought to be a law against criminal stupidity.

    His stepfather was Henry Luce III, the son of the founder of Time, Fortune and Life Magazines.

    Godspeed, William Hurt.

  6. It’s hard to believe he didn’t get tested early enough. I wonder if he ever took human growth hormone shots that were all the rage a few years ago – till it was discovered that the not only make muscle grow like crazy, but also cancer cells.

    Couple that with the Covid shot, and you dig yourself an early grave.

  7. RIP William Hurt. Agreed @Tim-FJB^^^^^^.

    I can’t say it was the Vaxx …but it was the vax. My brother just watched his Gleason score (which was on the high side of acceptable) go to “8” in a couple of months: fully vaxxed and boosted. After surgically removing the offending prostrate, they found out they were wrong; Gleason score was actually a 9. So far no sign that the cancer had metastasized, recovering …slowly.

  8. I Love You to Death

    Reggie! Reggie! Reggie!

    Harlan and Marlon sidekicks.

    RIP William, (at least to my knowledge) he kept his yap shut unlike DeNiro and other has been dried up attention seeking actors.


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