PJ Media
In what one can only describe as “disastrous news” for Democrats, two different opinion polls find that, among African Americans, support for President Trump is in the thirties.
This number has been rising more or less constantly from a year ago, when it was in the mid-20s. Rasmussen Reports explains on Twitter that one of the biggest differences between them and most other polling organizations is that they look at likely voters instead of at voters in general. More
Yeah, but Ana Navarro calls shenanigans:
Nice to see Carpe Donktum’s response at the top!
And that’s not even factoring in the millions of illegitimate votes that come from predominately African American precincts. Not looking good for the Marxists in 2020.
(Yes, I know the Marxist/Democrat candidate will still get millions of illegal votes, but millions fewer than the rapist’s wife got or tens of millions less than Obama got.)
Nice to see the Blacks throwing off their self-imposed shackles and vacating the plantation!
Yea but somebody forgot that sentiment when the scripted response to Melania happened at a “youte” opiod event in Baltimore for middle and HS students (who were predominantly of one particular race….)
She’s is just a classy lady thought…
Teach a man to fish and…he’s a Conservative Republican!
All it took was some honest calling out of the facts by someone who didn’t care what the swamp did afterwards. Courage counts! Thank you President Trump!
Any black support is bad news for Dims, growing black support is a real problem. Who will maintain the plantation for us?
Thanks to POTUS Trump, the Republican Party finally has a chance to flip the black vote back to where it originated from, the Party that freed the slaves and got the Civil Rights Act passed.
It was only the scheming by the racist black-hating SOB Lyndon Johnson who flipped the narrative back in the mid-60’s.
Hey, hey LBJ, how many blacks did you reenslave back in the day! The Great Society programs that promised to get us out of poverty permanently are the hardest hit.