Rite Aid Shooter – Snochia Moseley – IOTW Report

Rite Aid Shooter – Snochia Moseley

Snochia Moseley – 

Snochia is a woman.

ht/ wait for it

51 Comments on Rite Aid Shooter – Snochia Moseley

  1. “According to CNN, Moseley shot herself in the head at the scene but did not die. She then shot herself in the head a second time before being taken to a hospital in critical condition, where she later died.”

    Well done! Better than that joke of a professor who only winged himself. She shot herself in the head, came around and did it again. Talk about dedication, seeing the job gets done; what follow through even with a nasty smack to the head. Pity other people had to die- what they called you names? They were racist? Did you perhaps converted to a new religion possibly? Well if you did the reporters would never report on such a story unless you became Catholic, Mormon or some Born Again brand. Tell us you wrote a manifesto. I love that word “manifesto”.

    I would like to write a manifesto someday but I lack the guts to do anything that would cause people to read it.

  2. Let me guess.

    1. She, who identifies as a man, hit on someone who said no and probably insulted her, to boot.

    2. Something muslim-y. Like, someone said they were going to tell the muslim overlord at the mosque that she is a woman posing as a dude. And she’s been over there feeling up on the sacred mats and defiling them and shit.

    3. She couldn’t get tickets for Aladdin.

  3. I’m shocked…..some of the reports I read said that it was a man who shot. Talk about stereotypes! (But looking at the photo, I thought it was a photo of a man as well–never mind!)

  4. Ok so the shooter was black. Must have missed that point when i read about it today. im sure the crack media watchdogs would not have missed that key fact. Oh but as a liberal would say “what difference does that make?” A: it sure as he*#* makes a difference when they say it does

  5. MJA – Think no.1 on your list will probably be most accurate. Had a girlfriend who had the same problem. After a polite rejection, the ? stalked her endlessly and threatened her. Police eventually were involved. ? would not take no for an answer. Girlfriend was actually scared for her life. Was very disruptive for both of us.

  6. Please be respectful…. How would you like to grow up being called Chia Pet? or Snow Crab……Nice pic though… and the DOG Collar is a real plus for me…. Crazier than a shit house rat…

  7. But on all the reality murder investigation shows the investigators always rule out suicide when there are two shots to the head.

    But in this case maybe it’s ok. The male side shot the female side, and then male side committed suicide. Or maybe the other way round. Classic murder suicide case. The two of them should have started with themselves and left the others to complete their lives.

  8. This is the result of a woman following socialist doctrine to the letter. An angry, gender confused, mentally ill psychopath willing to end it all for a cause that considers it’s devotees highly expendable.

  9. BTW, the made up name trend by black people is also a result of socialism. It a childish attempt to create a culture distinction, separate from the American culture – think the fictional Black Panther’s fantasized country, “Wakanda”.
    Leftists have convinced the majority of black Americans, they are disenfranchised by white Americans. A lie of course. They have targeted themselves as being less intelligent, unpredictable anti- social and hostile. They will eventually regret these made up names as more black Americans #Walkway from the leftist plantation.

  10. Definitely flushed down the memory hole, since it’s made public today that it was a she–>he. Or maybe the other way around. Whatever; the notorious mental instability that is expressed in the confused sex segment is ridiculously high.


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