Rittenhouse Cleared of Weapons Charges – IOTW Report

Rittenhouse Cleared of Weapons Charges


Investigation finds that Rittenhouse’s rifle was not bought, used, or stored in Illinois.

Prosecutors in Lake County, Illinois have announced that they will not be filing weapons charges against 17-year-old volunteer lifeguard Kyle Rittenhouse, who is currently charged with first degree murder by prosecutors in Kenosha. The news comes as a victory for Rittenhouse’s defense team, which is currently fighting attempts to extradite the teen to Wisconsin.


ht/ tsunami

10 Comments on Rittenhouse Cleared of Weapons Charges

  1. Phenomenal legal team. Great job so far and looking forward to more WWWWWWWWWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. In light of this incident and most recently the Denver murder, as well as all that has happened in Seattle, Portland Minneapolis and other cities, it’s time for patriots to stop participating and engaging in events / confrontations in these cities where Soros bought DA’s and other public officials are in control.

    Stage your rallies in cities that respect and defend law and order. Let the fascist commie fucks flameout, unopposed, in their God forsaken hell hole communities. If they come into law and order cities to oppose you and conduct violent acts, let them be subject to justice as it was meant to be.

  3. @Jerry Manderin – your comment reminds me of a Rodney Dangerfield concert that I went to back in the mid-seventies. Rodney had a segment where he opened up the show for questions from the audience.

    Well, he had a cast on one of his hands and someone from the audience asked him, in light of his broken wrist, if his sex life had been cut in half.

    Considering that there was copious amounts of marijuana smoked up to that point, that question drew howls – even from Rodney.


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