Rittenhouse Trial Prosecutor With Dumbest Quote of the Year- “You lose the right to self-defense when you’re the one that brought the gun” – IOTW Report

Rittenhouse Trial Prosecutor With Dumbest Quote of the Year- “You lose the right to self-defense when you’re the one that brought the gun”

Guns are for SELF-DEFENSE!!!!!!

46 Comments on Rittenhouse Trial Prosecutor With Dumbest Quote of the Year- “You lose the right to self-defense when you’re the one that brought the gun”

  1. I wouldn’t doubt it if he’s trying to throw the case without looking like he’s doing it. If it’s obvious, he might get the ire of the mob. He knows it’s bogus and unwinnable.

  2. Two non-legal observations which no MSM talking heads seem to have commented on:
    1. This whole thing was avoidable. By the Kenosha officials and the Wisconsin politicians who ordered the police to stand down and let the left wing mob run amok. These are the people who should be on trial.
    2. What kind of idiot runs after and attacks someone holding a rifle?

  3. The defense attorneys should rip into that one. Does that logic apply to cops, soldiers, or security guards? Or is it just us little people of no importance who are obligated to be assaulted, raped, or murdered without doing anything effective to stop it? A more logical statement would be that a local government abdicates its right to prosecute anyone acting in a militia capacity to protect people and property after they’ve ordered their own cops to stand down and let out of town rioters destroy businesses and assault civilians.

    Fuck you Mr. Prosecutor, you worthless fucking cocksucker. What they hell good are you? Rittenhouse was effective at stopping criminals. You, the local mayor, council, and police chief… not so much.

  4. Honestly, at this point, why would anyone allow themselves to be arrested?
    Cops are not here for any other reason than to keep us in line so the commies can run the table.

  5. That State (Wisconsin) and county seem pretty CCW friendly. A permits good for 5 years. Cali’s good for two, AZ and UT good for four.
    So does Mr. Prosecutor charge anybody with a Carry Permit with murder if they’re forced to defend themselves. What a dick

  6. @ The Mule
    Was thinking the same thing.
    It’s like saying you shouldn’t have a gated communitys because you’re only forcing people to break in.
    I think he’s hoping for really stupid bias people on the jury.
    Because this hack obviously can’t believe any of this crap unless he got his law license from a cereal box?

  7. @ Brad
    Yesterday I was invited to the “Peacemaker” shooting range in WV and I got to shoot my friends 300 WinMAG and ring the steel targets at 500 yards. Watching the targets spin and then hearing the ring a few seconds later was fun!

  8. Jethro
    That’s all I shoot anymore is steel. Especially pistols. Instant feed back. Shooting and moving. I think I’m going to order in a 6.5 SPC. They’re taking that round out passed a mile.

  9. Rittenhouse should have schooled Binger about Grosskrunt:
    1) Assume every gun is loaded–I had to assume Grosskrunt’s gun was loaded.
    2) Never point at something you are not willing to shoot. He pointed it at me–I have to assume he was willing to shoot me.
    3) Never put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to shoot. He had his finger on the trigger–I had to assume he was ready to shoot me.

    Grosskrunt had a CCW permit (expired). He would have known these basic safety rules, which clearly Binger didn’t know as he pointed the AR-15 at the jury.

  10. That’s a leftist for you, they don’t like the 2nd amendment so they want their own unconstitutional laws. Remember he made the ignorant claims about ammo, not knowing what the hell he was talking about, he made the claim that you had the bigger gun, so why feel threatened? Then he picks up a gun aims it at the jury with his finger on the trigger. Something my 6 year old grandson could tell him you do not do.

  11. I wonder about two things with this guy; how many innocent people has he railroaded into prison for political reasons, and how dumb, or not, are the potential jury pools in his jurisdiction?

    The prosecutor should be 0-fer, unless the juries are stupid.

  12. It’s been speculated since the defence’s opening argument that Binger has been scouting ways for a mistrial — that’s how poorly he did in their own opening.

    Binger is a bought-and-paid-for legalpolitical hack. I haven’t checked, but he and his boss are undoubtedly cut from the same yardage as all the rest of the progtard DA’s who let every blm/antifa arsonist, assaulter, and miscreant go without so much as an arrest record.


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