Rittenhouse Verdict Imminent (live feed) UPDATE: NOT GUILTY ON ALL MURDER CHARGES! – IOTW Report

Rittenhouse Verdict Imminent (live feed) UPDATE: NOT GUILTY ON ALL MURDER CHARGES!

Rittenhouse breaks down in tears!

100 Comments on Rittenhouse Verdict Imminent (live feed) UPDATE: NOT GUILTY ON ALL MURDER CHARGES!

  1. Thank you, Lord! God’s awesome favor is with Kyle. Not Guilty in ALL Counts! – Justice is served. Still hope for The United States of America. The Second Amendment stands!

  2. Now for the legal xsfer of wealth from Big Media to Kyle Rittenhouse, et al.

    Money is the only language the left understands. Anyone else notice they haven’t attacked the founders on those greenbacks?

  3. Don’t go back to sleep, the globalists will just bide their time and try again. They will never stop until you are completely defenseless. Hold the line, push forward, do whatever you can to resist. This is the battle of our lifetimes.

  4. So you don’t think the media has been abusive, excessive and biased toward this “little boy”, Bob?
    Not to mention the completely politicized, Soros-owned, criminal faux prosecution?
    I’ll bet your balls look like corn nuts next to “little boy’s”.

  5. Riot after someone was just found not guilty for shooting rioters?

    There’s dummies out there, but not as many as they had available the last time.

    Could be wrong as I often am, but minor crap at most and National Guard will perhaps be deployed if it starts getting ugly.

  6. Stop2think — if I heard correctly, after the verdict the was read the judge granted the motion to dismiss all charges with prejudice (the feed on the Daily Wire cut before that point but the feed here did not). I may be wrong, but I think that precludes such charges although I could be wrong.

    It would be insane for the Feds to try such a thing. If they had any brains, which is debatable, they would realize that they are sitting on a powered keg right now. With the economic situation, COVID, threatening parents for speaking up, etc., people have just about had it and aren’t going to put up with much more.

  7. Finally…for the first time in a long time JUSTICE was done.
    We’ve missed you.
    God bless those BRAVE JURORS.
    God bless an American HERO…KYLE RITTENHOUSE!

  8. FleX Luthor Political Villain- flexyoursuccess.com
    · 31m
    On International Men’s Day, Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty, Binger’s reputation is ruined & Biden is getting his butthole fondled while comatose and will probably be sued for launching his campaign by calling KR a White Supremacist.

    Not trying to say its a good day but.

  9. “Is there such a word as ‘deliciousness’?” -PHenry

    Yes, according to Merriam-Webster. But in this case, you’re encouraged to use the phrase,

    “creamy goodness.”


    “thick and rich and creamy.”

  10. Next order of business: Putting Jump- Kick Dude on trial for attempted murder. The dude weighs 215lb and was wearing hard boots and took a running start and tried to kick Kyle in the head. What would have happened if he had connected?

    Im not too concerned about that other survivor. In my mind, he was convicted and sentenced to a mangled bicep. Thats justice enough

  11. I hope he sues the pants off all those who slandered him including that racist trouble maker Joe Biden for calling Kyle a “White Supremist Domestic Terrorist”.

  12. This verdict restored my hope in justice. And trust me, it had been waning for a long time. Justice comes in many different forms and I am SO HAPPY for Kyle’s version. Our side FINALLY has something big to celebrate. And the left and the drive-by media is stuck with a dead pedo, a dead domestic abuser, and a loser with no bicep. LOL!

  13. Here is a comment (not mine) from elsewhere that should be burned into progressive brains in the hope that they acquire a clue.

    “The facts:
    “I have watched the whole Rittenhouse case. The Jury is in deliberation now.
    I didn’t know that Kyle put out a dumpster fire that was being rolled down to a gas station to blow up, with people all around.
    I didn’t know that the Police were told to stand down as businesses were destroyed.
    I didn’t know that Kyles Dad, Grandma and Friends all lived in Kenosha, 20 minutes from where he resided with his Mom part time in Illinois.
    I didn’t know that Joseph Rosenbaum knocked him down twice and then attempted to kick him with lethal force to the head.
    I didn’t know that Huber had hit him in the head 2x with a skateboard.
    I didn’t know Gaige Grosskreutz, a felon in possession of firearm, aimed his gun at Kyle first, as he admitted on the stand.
    I also didn’t know that in the State of Wisconsin, it is legal for Kyle to have a gun, even at 17 (which was why the gun charge was dismissed).
    I didn’t know that Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun he wasn’t supposed to have. The rightful gun owner did, as he was legally permitted to do.
    I also didn’t realize that Rosenbaum was a 5 time convicted child rapist and that Huber was a 2 time convicted woman beater. I didn’t know that Grosskreutz was a convicted Burglar with an assault on his record also.
    IF THE MEDIA DID THEIR JOB… we would ALL have known this!
    Stop believing the media lies”

  14. Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers. Justice was served today for Kyle.

    And thank you Lord for giving those jurors the strength to render the right verdict. Protect them all with your army of angelic beings.

    The end is nigh

  15. Oh Joyous Day! I weep tears of happiness and justice right alongside Mr Rittenhouse.

  16. A real life reaction:

    (warning; the pic of the relatives is enough to tell you everything you need to know about why Huber turned out the way he did, and getting “capped” for it)
    My response would be; if you had raised your brat better, he might be alive now.

  17. Praise God!!!!

    This kid should never have been charged. I hope he sues the hell out of the media, FB, Twitter, the pieces of shit politicians, and Joe Biden. Sue the state of Wisconsin and Kenosha and the FBI for false charges and failure to protect the city and him. He’s going to need the money to protect himself and his family and it’s the only way to show these people that they can’t go around spouting lies.

    This though wasn’t just a win for Kyle, it was a win for 2A and a win for self defense. If these pieces of shit had gotten away with this, every leftist DA in the country would have went on attack.

    Maybe it will also show these thugs who go out and riot that they don’t know when there will be a Kyle who will blow your ass away and you’re not immune to justice for your crimes.

  18. “They had a clear-cut case of self-defense, but the defense needed every bit of help they could get because the court of public opinion was not on their side.”

    I have read a lot of stuff similar to the quote above taken from PJM but there is a difference between “the court of public opinion” and “the court of lying media”. Relying on a lying media to give us facts or true public opinion is an exercise in futility.

  19. So glad for Kyle.
    For his family too.

    Liberal heads are exploding.
    Gruesome Newsome twatted a disgusting post. He’s not the only one.
    Jerks hiding behind armed security while neglecting security for their cities.

  20. BAR: They just got the message that they can’t go around trying to beat the crap out of someone and expect to come out of it unscathed.

    As for federal charges, even though AG Garland is an idiot, and a big one at that, I somehow don’t think that even he will try and bring a case where there is a ton of evidence proving that the only people who were shot were attempting to inflict great bodily harm if not murder somehow had their rights violated when their intended victim defended himself.

    Nadler is also an idiot, but he knows that he could spew verbal diarrhea and face no consequences. I would like to ask him if he even followed the trial next what makes him qualified to make such a statement.

  21. RadioMatt

    If the Feds were able to convict it would be a huge carrot for them setting precedence that you do not have the right to defend yourself. I don’t see the case as the gun never crossed state lines. But what legal and the law don’t seem to apply to these bastards so who knows.

  22. the jury need their ass beat. that little fucker killed 2 people and got away with it. fake ass crying little fucker. they better move his ass out of the state or someone is going to get him. he is probably playing with a gun right now. and his monkey looking ass looking like his monkey mother should have been send to prison. he will do something again to end up in jail and then what. his main attorney was a real asshole to. just like that asshole attorney in the other case trying to get the preacher out of court. court is a public play, asshole. with his prejudice ass.

  23. @ VALERIE NOVEMBER 19, 2021 AT 7:19 PM

    You are completely backwards on what is right and wrong.

    It is clear you have no relationship with God.

    You make up your own rules on what is right and wrong, so you are completely lost in the real game of life. Short version: You need Jesus.

  24. Agreed, Dadof4. In addition to Valerie’s amoral spiritual void, is the lack of self awareness of very poor writing skills.
    Her(?) comments have no capitalization, terrible grammar, base punctuation, and fragmented, run-on sentences.
    Great example of a completely indoctrinated socialist public education. This leftist tool may never know how ignorant they are in every way. Definitely, they need prayer.


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