Rival Jihad Group Claims Boko Haram Leader Cornered And Killed – IOTW Report

Rival Jihad Group Claims Boko Haram Leader Cornered And Killed


The Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP) militant group said in an audio recording heard by Reuters on Sunday that Abubakar Shekau, leader of rival Nigerian militant Islamist group Boko Haram, was dead.

Shekau died around May 18 after detonating an explosive device when he was pursued by ISWAP fighters following a battle, a person purporting to be ISWAP leader Abu Musab al-Barnawi said on the audio recording. more

10 Comments on Rival Jihad Group Claims Boko Haram Leader Cornered And Killed

  1. @cato — Yes! We have to figure out a way so that each jihadi gang thinks it’s trapped, and that they have to fight until the last man is dead in order for Al-uh to accept them as true martyrs and give them their virgin goats and chalices of camel piss.

  2. Lets put some more gas on the fire and heighten a civil war between these assholes.

    Also get the Chyneeze to have a civil war.

    Let them all off each other.

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