“River Dave” Arrested for Returning to the Site of His Cabin – IOTW Report

“River Dave” Arrested for Returning to the Site of His Cabin

Associated Press

A former hermit in New Hampshire whose cabin in the woods burned down after nearly three decades on the property that he was ordered to leave has been charged with trespassing there once again, turning a shed that survived the fire into a makeshift home outfitted with a wood stove.

There had been an outpouring of support for David Lidstone, 81 — better known as “River Dave” —since he was arrested in July and accused of squatting on property owned by a Vermont man. His cabin burned down in August while he was jailed.

Lidstone was a local celebrity to boaters and kayakers on the Merrimack River before his property dispute caught the attention of the masses, bringing in over $200,000 in donations to help him start a new, law-abiding life. More

11 Comments on “River Dave” Arrested for Returning to the Site of His Cabin

  1. Reading the article, he’s a squatter on someone’s personal property and they want him gone. As an American I believe in protecting personal property rights. And the property owner allowed him access to grab his crap off their property…kind of hard to be entirely sympathetic to the old dude. I think, if a person wanted to be decent, they could’ve let the old man remain until he died but I still support their right to determine if they want him there or not.

  2. Being Devils advocate:

    Lets change River Dave’s name to Mr.Chaz Antifa.
    Lets change Family who owns the land’s Name to Mr. Brad IOTW.
    (Seriously Brad, I respect ya. A bit afraid too.)
    How long Before Brad aerates Mr. Chaz Antifa? (I’m Guessing a .45 Kimber or Springfield)

    I have some Acres in Canuckistan that are not my home.
    I have to walk it once in a while.
    I bring my Bow with Broadheads & a Spyderco.
    I used to bring my old style 14″ Pump Remington but it scared the living shit out of 1 asshole too much.

    People illegally have set up deer stands without my nod.

    Sometimes people come up and challenge me.
    They tell me I’m trespassing on their land.
    They tell me they don’t allow Hunting on their land.
    They tell me that I should leave before they call the Police.

    The Land that I own & pay Taxes on.
    It has happened more times than you would think in peaceful Canuckistan.

    I tell them I am NOT HUNTING (bow in hand)
    I tell them I’m looking for illegal grow ops & trespassers and I will Call the OPP.
    I tell them my Bow is for target practice because broadheads Fly Differently than Practice points.
    I tell them, “I don’t remember selling MY LAND TO YOU!”

    River Dave is probably a wonderful person.
    He is Heroic & Iconic in many respects.
    I admire him.
    BUT in the age of Lawyers, liability, & Squatters Rights, he has to move along down the road.

    Cheers all.

  3. Let me put it on record, this night, the 5th.

    Ian told me two men climbed over my locked and signed gate, stood talking, “for a while”, and then climbed over my west fence to disappear for, “a while”. They returned, “after a while”, climbed the west fence at the same point, climbed my gate, and drove away in some vehicle unseen.

    Had I been here they would have been met with indignant, in battery, safety off…

    Don’t climb gates in MO. There ARE innocent reasons to do it. Surveyors, idiots, morons, whatever…

    I just wanted it on record.

  4. I grew up in Humboldt Co, California. Back in the early 60’s the nephew of the large ranch,3000 acres, owner and I would drive down the roads of the ranch and take air cores out of the trespassers tires. Ah, goodtimes.

  5. I have a squirrel that trespasses on my bird feeder. He’s known as Cedar Bob. I’ve shot at him probably 6 times, but the sneaky bastard can turn the trajectory of the pellet with the power of his mind.

    “And forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us.”

    So “River Dave” and “Cedar Bob” get the sympathy while someone else foots the bill.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. 81 years old, & “squatted” there for over 30 years.
    Why didn’t the owner give him the boot when the guy was 50, and could have made his way somewhere else?
    By the way, someone burned his cabin deliberately while he off dealing with those brave hardy soles (sp deliberate) of the PD.
    Whole lot of empathy & human kindness with this bunch, hey?

  7. Carlos the Jackal,
    You want him on your property?
    Send him bus fare and directions.

    Live that “empathy & human kindness” don’t just write about it.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Carlos the Jackal,

    Have you ever heard of Slip & Fall Lawyers?
    Ambulance Chasers,
    And in some countries in Europe, The Squater Can actually lay claim to the property.
    Dig in and read up on it. Europe still has quite an odd Legal system.


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