RNC Launches ‘ProtectTheVote’ Site To Restore Election Integrity Amid COVID – IOTW Report

RNC Launches ‘ProtectTheVote’ Site To Restore Election Integrity Amid COVID

Sara A Carter: The Republican National Committee launched a new website Friday to fight for election integrity as the coronavirus threatens the in-person election process in many states. Protectthevote.com showcases the party’s efforts state-by-state to crack down on election fraud after dedicating nearly $10 million last month for the project.

“The RNC and the Trump campaign are aggressively fighting back against the Democrats’ assault on the integrity of our elections. All across the country, Democrats are trying to use coronavirus and the courts to legalize ballot harvesting, implement a nationwide mail-in ballot system, and eliminate nearly every safeguard in our elections,” RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement posted on the site. read more

9 Comments on RNC Launches ‘ProtectTheVote’ Site To Restore Election Integrity Amid COVID

  1. This is a HUGE problem. Mrs. Dolfer just received a SECOND mail-in ballot for the PA primary. We don’t know why. She tossed it. She is the honest sort. Why she married me is one of the great questions of our time. But I digress.

    I am fearful this will happen on a massive scale come fall. there will be no way to control anything. There will be no integrity to this election. If the President prevails there will be boatloads of ballots ‘found’ and added to the recount until he loses. If he loses the ballots will be destroyed quickly so the results can’t be challenged by our side.

    What am I saying. The GOPe would just say “Oh well. WE gave it a good fight”, lay down and take it. They don’t want Trump in there either.

  2. Blue state governors are actually celebrating more COVID deaths, leveraging those losses to keep moving the goalposts. As BB points out, Gavin is in this strategy deep, corrupt asshole that he is.

  3. Anyone seen Viet Vet?
    We have mail in voting in WA. They send ballots to everyone in the state with the help of motor voting laws lots of people vote here that should not be.
    This is bad news for blue states.


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