Roads are racist? – IOTW Report

Roads are racist?

Tucker: Something really dark is going on.
WARNING—Graphic footage: Fox News host voices his concerns over the crime spike on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

16 Comments on Roads are racist?

  1. democRATz have been working hard to foment crime and chaos in our nation for years. of that there is no question!
    Now imagine putting guns into the hands of a million or so illegal aliens who have no allegiance to our country! Maybe that’s a far fetched idea, but I certainly wouldn’t put it past THIS govenment to do something like that and it would go a long way to explain why they want so many of them in the country! Yeah, I know it’s a silly idea, but after all they only gladly turned over the database of the names of American and allies along with 600,00 weapons, 75,000 vehicles, 200 aircraft and 85 BILLION U.S. Dollars to the enemy!

  2. That faggot is playing the same stupid game he played in Indiana. His entire purpose in life is focused on cock and making sure it pisses everyone off. After he gets booted out of office when this nightmare administration is over with he still wont have accomplished squat. Just like in his last government job.

  3. …you know what’s REALLY racist?


    Drootin : [an African-American motorcycle cop pulls up to the Buster Burger drive-thru]

    [speaking through the mic]

    Drootin : What’s it gonna be?

    Officer Rigney : [to the plastic pickle] Buster Burger on a stick with cheese, Cowcatchers and a Buster Shake.

    Drootin : Hey, pig! We don’t serve afro-turf toilet plungers here.

    Officer Rigney : What the hell did you say?

    Drootin : [speaking through the mic] Skid, Hash-mark. We don’t serve freeway smokie donut chokers here!

    Officer Rigney : [obviously angry] I wanna see your goddamn manager NOW!

    Drootin : [speaking through the mic] You’re talking to the manager peter cheese, so merge!

    Officer Rigney : [getting off the motorcycle] I don’t have to take this kinda crap from a goddamn green pickle!

    Drootin : [speaking through the mic] Hey, Rotate-Kunta Kinte! Your check’s ready at the welfare office!


    Officer Rigney : [getting back on the motorcycle] Alright, Pickle! You ain’t seen the last of me yet!”

  4. know what’s NOT racist somehow?


    “[Refrain: Amil (Jay-Z)]
    Nigga, what?
    Nigga, who? (Y’all niggas can’t fuck with me)
    Nigga, what (Get ready, yo)
    Nigga, who?
    Spit your flow, get your dough
    Can’t fuck with this Roc-A-Fella shit, though
    Spit your flow, get your dough
    Can’t fuck with this Roc-A-Fella shit though
    (Uh-huh uh-huh, yeah, yeah)”

  5. If all black asphalt roads are racist what about the white stripes down the middle to keep the lanes (races) separated so people don’t run into each other? And what about the solid yellow lines telling people to not pass or is that a sign that there is a dead skunk in the middle of the road stinking to high heaven. Democraps are all idiots, they don’t know their ass from a hole in the ground. Or they’re like the old Pollock joke and think that asphalt means they have rectum trouble.


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