Rob Reiner’s New Movie About Bush Inadvertently Supports Trump’s Stance on Russian Meddling – IOTW Report

Rob Reiner’s New Movie About Bush Inadvertently Supports Trump’s Stance on Russian Meddling

Joel Pollack, of, tweeted out a very pithy tweet-

President Trump doesn’t think his intelligence experts have all the evidence. That’s a scandal? Imagine if President George W. Bush had been as careful about intelligence.

It got me thinking about this new movie Meathead is promoting.

Rob Reiner’s movie, Shock and Awe (which made $41 thousand dollars since its opening), is about some journalist’s suspicions that the government was misrepresenting their case against Iraq in order to enter into a profit-making war. The moral being that the noble press should be skeptical of what government agencies tell us when the solutions that are proffered are dire.

Our current president is suspicious of our government agencies’ conclusions that Putin meddled in our election to a degree that influenced its outcome. What the solution to this charge is could have dire consequences should Trump go off half-cocked like Bush did.

Meathead, leftists and other dopes are missing the irony.

8 Comments on Rob Reiner’s New Movie About Bush Inadvertently Supports Trump’s Stance on Russian Meddling

  1. the only evidence they site to support the case of russian meddling in our election is the fact that hillary didn’t win.

    not one server has been examined by them.


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