Robber Pulls Knife in Attempted Robbery, Victim Pulls Gun – IOTW Report

Robber Pulls Knife in Attempted Robbery, Victim Pulls Gun

gun in waist band

BearingArms: You know the saying, never bring a knife to a gun fight? Well one Florida criminal either never heard it or didn’t expect what was in store for him.

Andy Louis Willis, 35, of Plantation, FL, was taking a leisurely stroll at 9PM on Sunday evening when he came upon man sitting in a Ford truck. Naturally, as anyone would do, Willis pulled a six-inch silver knife and put it to the man’s throat, demanding he hand over his 24-inch gold necklace.


6 Comments on Robber Pulls Knife in Attempted Robbery, Victim Pulls Gun

  1. What?! No “D”s in the story? Lame!
    DRT= Dead Right There, the villain expired at the scene of the crime.
    DOT= Dead Over There, the villain expired away from the scene of the crime, usually a nearby hospital.

    And if you like stories like that, to warm the cockles of your heart, go to They have at least one “Feel Good” story every morning.

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