Robby Mook Finally Admits Hillary’s ‘Deplorables’ Comment Alienated Voters – IOTW Report

Robby Mook Finally Admits Hillary’s ‘Deplorables’ Comment Alienated Voters

DC: Hillary Clinton likely alienated voters when she said on the campaign trail in September that half of Donald Trump’s supporters were “deplorables,” her campaign manager has finally acknowledged.

“I think it definitely could have alienated some voters, and that’s why she got out there right away,” Mook admitted reluctantly in a forum discussion hosted earlier this week by CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Tapper, who aired the segment on his show on Sunday, had asked the failed campaign chief about an internal Clinton campaign study which found that Clinton’s Sept. 9 comment that “you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables” had a more negative impact on undecided voters than anything else during the campaign.

In the CNN forum, which was also attended by Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway, Mook first downplayed Clinton’s remark.

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22 Comments on Robby Mook Finally Admits Hillary’s ‘Deplorables’ Comment Alienated Voters

  1. Mook is going to turn up suicided. If there’s one thing he should have learnt this campaign it’s Hillary can do nothing wrong, ever. Mook should have stuck to Russia intervention caused her loss solely; Hillary is the perfect candidate. My oh my how they are forgetting so quickly, remember 2020 is right around the corner.

    Although, I enjoy the cannibalism.

  2. Mook thinks it might have alienated some of the other sides voters but, since he never met voters from the other side (although he is told they exist) he can’t speak with 100% certainty. What he does know with certaintly is everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, misogynist, white supremacist, bigoted xenophobe Nazi who should be arrested, silenced and put into an oven.

  3. Mook thinks it might have alienated some of the other sides voters but, since he never met voters from the other side (although he is told they exist) he can’t speak with 100% certainty. What he does know with certainly is everyone who voted for Trump is a racist, misogynist, white supremacist, bigoted xenophobe Nazi who should be arrested, silenced and put into an oven.

  4. I think more people were alienated by Mrs. Clinton, herself, than by any of her scripts being “offensive.”
    Most of her scripted “blathering” points were vague to the point of meaninglessness.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. That was a rough weekend for Hillary. Started with the “Deplorables” and ended with the 9/11 “Seizure on the Sidewalk”. She never recovered from that weekend. If the ghost of 9/11 past is any indication of the future, I’d put money down on on 9/11/20 as her Dead Pool day.

  6. Deplorable is just a word, Hillary is responsible for 100s of thousands of deaths.

    How she created chaos in Egypt, supported the Muslim Brotherhood, armed terrorists throughout the middle east, sacrificed (murdered) 4 Americans in Benghazi, her continuing career of corruption, ineptness and her devious, vile nature pretty well alienated most would be Hillary voters.

  7. MOOKED: as in ‘You’ve been ‘mooked’.
    Definition: scammed, lied to, given the wrong advise, having had the wool over your eyes, victimized by false positives.

    Hillary has been mooked. Now we’ll see if Mook escapes Fosterization.

  8. Not quite right: It entertained many of us.

    I doubt if too many votes were based on the comment.

    Though it was a red flag for sentient patriots; they were not HRC fans before the comment.

  9. I like that Kellyanne corrected Mookie when he lied about Hillary ‘apologizing’.

    Libtards shouldn’t tangle with people who are smarter than them, and that’s most conservatives.
    And, in case he hadn’t noticed, Kellyanne is super smart.

  10. She couldn’t have picked someone with a better name….

    mook [mo͝ok] NOUN US
    a stupid or incompetent person.
    Powered by Oxford Dictionaries · © Oxford University Press ·

  11. “Change we can believe in.” – base hit
    “Stronger together.” – strike out
    Make America great again. – home run
    Basket of deplorables. – thrown over the first baseman’s head into the stands, game winning error.

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