Robert E Lee time capsule opened for first time – IOTW Report

Robert E Lee time capsule opened for first time

A completely different world back then – Woody

15 Comments on Robert E Lee time capsule opened for first time

  1. And cries, screeches of ‘white nationalist’ and ‘raycissisms’ were heard throughout Twitter. Little orange General Lee replicas were burned throughout the land!
    “Them Dukes! Them Dukes!” ReeeEEee!!!RrrrreeeEEEEEeeeE!!!

  2. Excuse me for vomiting. But the asshole governor, media, and progressives who cheered the destruction of the Lee statue have alot of balls caring what people left in a time capsule. If they cared about history and what people valued back then they would have fought to protect the monument in the first place. Assholes.

  3. Anonymous
    DECEMBER 29, 2021 AT 3:55 PM
    “I understand that Robert E Lee voted for Biden in the last election.”

    …which, using the Pedo Biden rule, means that Robert E. Lee is officially Black.


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