Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announces independent run for president – IOTW Report

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announces independent run for president

Just The News: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announced on Monday that he’s running as an independent for president and dropping out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Kennedy could become a spoiler for President Biden in the 2024 election by shifting votes away from the sitting president.

His announcement was made during a campaign event in Philadelphia.

Cornel West is also running as an independent presidential candidate.

8 Comments on Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. announces independent run for president

  1. So who’s that MAGA hat wearing guy behind him with the dark sunglasses and khakis that just slipped his FBI badge under his shirt, and what’s that he just picked up?

  2. most ‘Senior’ voters will remember the supposed ‘common sense’ Ross Perot, (who was only in the presidential race to pull votes away from GHW Bush, because Clinton couldn’t win w/out conservative dissatisfaction w/ Bush) Clinton got less than 50% of the votes as it was.

    if Biden’s the nominee, Kennedy will pull many more D’cRat voters who are tired, disgusted w/ Biden than Trump. The anti-Trump D’Rats voted for Biden last time. he’ll pull non-Trump Rino’s too, but not as much as tired of Biden D’rats jumping ship on the S.S Biden


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