Robert F. Kennedy Says Biden is a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Trump  – IOTW Report

Robert F. Kennedy Says Biden is a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Trump 


‘I can make the argument that President Biden is the much worse threat to democracy, and the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history – the first president in history that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech, so to censor his opponent,’ he said.

It’s queued up—

13 Comments on Robert F. Kennedy Says Biden is a Bigger Threat to Democracy than Trump 

  1. He’s only partially right. Unfortunately, the checks and balances designed in our constitution are being actively ignored by *all* branches of government.

    President Trump has a shitload of cleanup to do, and the pukes currently in elected office eill fight him tooth and nail…

  2. BOOM! RFK Jr is the political nuclear bomb.
    I hope he doesn’t win, but I am all for him saying things like this in order to keep the globalists scrambling and helping the uneducated population open their eyes.

  3. For everybody who complains about RFK Jr being a spoiler for running as a 3rd party candidate, please remember that he originally tried to run as a Democrat.

    If the evil cabal running Biden’s WH hadn’t succeeded in blocking him, he most likely would have lost in the primaries. Remember the primaries? Once upon a time, a person could run against the incumbent in the primaries. Maybe some of the Kennedy clan so opposed to RFK Jr’s candidacy remember Uncle Ted unsuccessfully taking on Jimmy Carter in 1980 when the voters’ memories of Chappaquiddick and the infamous “Blonde in the Pond” were still strong.

  4. Not a fan of most of his political or economic positions, but I love it when he opens his mouth and fills the room with the truth. We absolutely need 5, 10, or even 15 candidates in EVERY ELECTION spreading the truth, yet we are typically only ALLOWED to hear from 2, both of whom are generally just spreading lies.

  5. RFKjr is a more on, even the Kennedy clan does not support him. By the America is a Democratic Republic. You want a Republic, look to The Peoples Republic of China, comrade. Junior a more on & a derp. Tried to run as a Democrat who’s views align with the Republican party. This is what happens when one doesn’t know up from down nor left from right. Do America a favor, just get lost.

  6. “And thus ends RFK Jr. appearances on any major media outlet.”

    Yep. The only place you’ll here this guy from now on will be Twitter. I’m sure the Biden coup was on the phone before that interview even ended.

  7. Comrade anonymous,

    A republic is a form of government in which the people elect, or choose, their leaders. In most countries with a republican government, the people elect the head of the government, such as a president. They also elect other people, called representatives, to make laws.

    People’s republic is an official title that is mostly used by current and former communist states, as well as other left-wing governments.[1] It is mainly associated with soviet republics, socialist states following the doctrine of people’s democracy, sovereign states with a democratic-republican constitution that usually mentions socialism, as well as some countries that do not fit into any of these categories.

    Five countries use the title People’s Republic in their official names: Algeria, Bangladesh, China, Laos and North Korea. Bangladesh and China officially style themselves as the “People’s Republic of Bangladesh” and the “People’s Republic of China” respectively.


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