Robert Reich Claims the Berkeley Rioters Were Right-Wing Plants – IOTW Report

Robert Reich Claims the Berkeley Rioters Were Right-Wing Plants

33 Comments on Robert Reich Claims the Berkeley Rioters Were Right-Wing Plants

  1. Given the size of the munchkin, his last name is an oxymoron, isn’t it?
    As with all these pseudo intellectuals… I fart in their general direction while laughing profusely.

  2. This left wing nut case should be a walking commercial for the return of many, many, insane asylums. He should always be wearing a strait jacket and fed by a trained monkey so no human would have to get close to him.

  3. Nevermind the left has a long history of violent protests where the scum wear masks to hide their identities.

    Republican Conventions for President
    GS-7 Summit meetings
    Conservative speakers at university campuses
    BLM Protests
    Etc Etc Etc

    Left doing what lefts does best – projection.

  4. Saw a comment on another site that Robert Reich was “the only person who could hide under a bed standing up”.
    Where was Planned Parenthood when his parents fornicated?

  5. Wonder if He could be Top of the line Head of Californias Brown shirt Community. Let’s see – hugely connected Democrat
    Professor – Teacher
    Incredably Angy Human – Or whatever he is
    and now host to the Worst protest yet.

  6. The Nazi’s thought they were getting the 4th Reich but it just turned out to be tiny Robbie Reich clown prince of the Motherland! And so, another dream of world conquest crumbles!

  7. As Illustr8r says, there’s not enough right Wingers in Berzerkly to fill a Phone Booth. And Navigator with Right Wingers protesting Right Wing Speakers? I’ll add never in the history of the American Right Wing ave the Right Wingers protested wearing black and black masks. Those are Left Wing Anarchists and Robert Reich should be laughed off the stage.

  8. Reich is an unrepentant National Socialist, and knows the ins-and-outs of contrived news. He understands the Reichstag Fire. He understands the importance of vom Rath’s assassination. He understands the need for state (socialist) control of the union movement.
    He is absolutely certain that the “protesters” are paid provocateurs – he is simply disingenuous about WHO is paying for them.

    This is an old game, well played by experienced propagandists.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Paul Joseph Goebbels was a German politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda.
    Robert Reich is our country’s Goebbels.
    Notice the word Reich? It’s part of his name.

  10. Short people got no reason
    Short people got no reason
    Short people got no reason
    To live

    They got little hands
    And little eyes
    And they walk around
    Tellin’ great big lies
    They got little noses
    And tiny little teeth
    They wear platform shoes
    On their nasty little feet

    Well, I don’t want no short people
    Don’t want no short people
    Don’t want no short people
    Round here

    Short people are just the same
    As you and I
    (A fool such as I)
    All men are brothers
    Until the day they die
    (It’s a wonderful world)

    Short people got nobody
    Short people got nobody
    Short people got nobody
    To love

    They got little baby legs
    And they stand so low
    You got to pick ’em up
    Just to say hello
    They got little cars
    That got beep, beep, beep
    They got little voices
    Goin’ peep, peep, peep
    They got grubby little fingers
    And dirty little minds
    They’re gonna get you every time
    Well, I don’t want no short people
    Don’t want no short people
    Don’t want no short people
    ‘Round here

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