Robert Reich Has a Plan For Dems To Win Back “Racist” Trump Voters – IOTW Report

Robert Reich Has a Plan For Dems To Win Back “Racist” Trump Voters

His plan is simple. Pay them with other people’s money-

“If America doesn’t respond to the calamity that’s befallen the working class, we will have Trumps as far as the eye can see.

A few Democrats are getting the message – pushing ambitious ideas like government-guaranteed full employment, single-payer health care, industry-wide collective bargaining, and a universal basic income.

We also need ways to finance these things, such as a carbon tax, a tax on Wall Street trades, and a progressive tax on wealth.”


30 Comments on Robert Reich Has a Plan For Dems To Win Back “Racist” Trump Voters

  1. “The trades are dead, go find a service based job”

    Remember that? Fuck this Midget. This asshole understands a dynamic Nationalist Economy like I understand Brain Surgery.

  2. Reich has been preaching out of his thesis since the day he graduated. And I’m not kidding. This is the same clap trap he spouted back in the early 90’s when I heard him as a keynote at a recruiting event in SoCal. I never understood who would pick him for a keynote speech at a high-tech recruiting conference. SSDD.

  3. Last time I checked there were two white candidates running for president, and he voted for the one whose mentor was Robert Byrd and idolized the racist eugenicist Margret Sanger

  4. ‘If America doesn’t respond to the calamity that’s befallen the working class, we will have Trumps as far as the eye can see.’

    What an idiot. He sees more jobs, higher wages,lower unemployment and less taxes as a ‘calamity’. He must have meant it’s a calamity for the Dumbocrat party.

  5. The sad thing is, he must regularly encounter people who he (at least believes) will believe that story.

    Some people are racist? (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) Then nothing you do, or don’t do, will change that. Some people are xenophobic? (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) Then nothing you do, or don’t do, will change that. And if you’re that smart, you knew that already. No Trump required.

    Some people will walk away from the government that encourages their members in good standing to loot and pillage vast swaths of voters? (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) If you’re that smart, you knew that already. Some people will walk away from the government that encourages their members in good standing to embezzle vast sums of money and cover it up by writing bad checks that they sign the voters’ unborn children’s, grandchildren’s, and great-grandchildren’s names to? (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) If you’re that smart, you knew that already. And if there was nothing the party rulers could do to stop it, then it’s nobody’s fault. No Trump coming.

    But, if you’re not that smart, if you’re not that useful, maybe you had to learn empirically. (Because math is hard.) Now, after 5, 10… 50, years of looting…, and pillaging…, and embezzling…, and writing bad checks…, and peeking to see if it would cause a Trump… you’ve proven: Trump. They do exist.

    And your solution is? “Give the victims free stuff.” (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) If you’re so sure that will work, why isn’t George Soros opening Bible Study Centers in the “rust belt”? Where the victims of the looting, pillaging, embezzling, and bad checks, can go read their Bible (with their guns) and be paid for it. Just like the madrassas and yeshivas. If you’re so sure that will work, why isn’t Bill Gates opening Informatic Research Centers in the “coal belt”? Where the victims of the looting, pillaging, embezzling, and bad checks, can go play computer games (with their memes) and be paid for it. Just like Berkeley and Harvard. No party members in good standing needed, to stand between the party members in good standing and the peasant victims, skimming the cash as it passes through their hands. Unless Trump is just the manufactured crisis, not to be left to waste? And the scheme is more lies, looting, pillaging, embezzling, and bad checks. Same as it ever was.

  6. More free shit for everybody makes everybody (except the enlightened elites) equally miserable all wallowing around in a big pig sty of free shit. Bread and circuses, what else is new. But the elites suffer the worst from a guilty conscience, why do you think liberal guilt is so prevalent? It’s because they know it can’t be sustained, at a certain point there ain’t enough more free shit to give away and go around and the peasants, plebes, deplorables revolt and all hell breaks loose for a while until the next time around that they fall for the same old trick of accepting free shit again. Moses had the same problem with the children of Israel seeing all that God did for them in their miraculous escape from enslavement in Egypt and forgetting about it when things got better for them and then some genius came up with the idea that maybe we weren’t so bad off with all the free shit we had in Egypt and forgetting about God again and again and again. It’s the story of mankind since the beginning believing that we can be happy if everything were perfect and everything was fair and equal. I’m sorry folks but free shit just gets you more free shit and more misery guaranteed every time rather than true freedom. I’ll take freedom to fail, get up again and start over every time over more free shit.

  7. If all the libs believe that free everything and being taxed to bring it about is the way to go , they have the freedom right now to either pay more taxes or set up funds with all their money to give free stuff to whatever victim group they want. Most of these loud mouths have more money than most of us will ever have but I don’t see them giving it away.

  8. ‘If America doesn’t respond to the calamity that’s befallen the working class, we will have Trumps as far as the eye can see.’
    A little late to the party, are ya, Rob’t?

  9. Remember, for Socialism to re-distribute other people’s money, first they have to grab the money!
    That’s what the taxes are all about!
    Whether they re-distribute it after they get it is another story all together.
    Aaaaaannnnnnnd that’s what Venezuela is all about!

  10. “pushing ambitious ideas like government-guaranteed full employment”

    That’s rich considering most of the people who support these morons don’t want to work. They want to sit on their lazy asses and get everything for free.


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