Robin is Gay, Of Course, In DC Comics New Plot Twist – IOTW Report

Robin is Gay, Of Course, In DC Comics New Plot Twist

Eye roll.

This is not “shocking” any longer. It’s more annoying and shows a lack of creativity. Didn’t they do this with blacks? They would do the black “Odd Couple” or the black “Honeymooners”, which just seemed patronizing and lazy.


When Bernard opens the door he’s on the verge of asking out Tim on a date, but Tim interrupts with … “I’m really glad you got home okay. I was relieved. And I’ve been doing a lot of thinking, about that night. And I — I don’t know what it meant to me. Not yet. But I’d like to figure it out.”

Bernard responds, “I was hoping you would. Tim Drake … do you want to go on a date with me?” Robin says yes, and that’s the cliffhanger … until the next issue drops in December.


Seems like most cartoon superheroes are gay these days. (DC must stand for dick compulsion.)

39 Comments on Robin is Gay, Of Course, In DC Comics New Plot Twist

  1. they push this in every corner of entertainment, as if queers are the largest minority on the planet.

    When watching a new series on TV, try to pick out the persons who will come out as queer. They are on every program indoctrinated the mindless and succeeding. Its revolting

  2. Does Batman know that Robin is gay? I haven’t paid any attention to any superhero comics since the early 70’s back before all this politically correct rebranding began. And now I am at the point in my life where I could care less about all this pc rebranding of super hero’s except to say that boys growing up now have nothing but freaks and queers to look up to unless they rediscover what super hero’s used to be in the age of truth, justice and the American way like Superman, Capt. America etc. used to be. I hate the left and how they have perverted everything good and decent about any kind of hero nowadays. Instead of superhero’s they now have stupor zero’s.

  3. Every story, movie and tv show is being made over replacing whites with blacks and making all the men gay or making the character female.
    No imagination.
    Nothing but agenda.
    Today’s ads make it seem like whites and straights are minority parts of the population.
    Thing is, they all lose money.

  4. I’m waiting for a superhero to come out as a cis-normal, American-loving Trump supporter. Now that would be truly brave (especially for the writer/artist, who would probably be black, er, white-listed by the woke Comic community).

  5. I don’t really care about any of this. I think it’s lazy and uncreative to take a character who has been around for decades and change the gender, race, nationality, etc. instead of coming up with a new concept, but these people don’t seem especially creative in the first place.

    My rule is to not get personally invested in whatever cultural thing is currently happening. I’m not interested in the “Marvel Universe,” or the “Star Wars Universe,” or whatever “universe” is currently trendy. I don’t really care if James Bond is now a black woman; it’s a film and I don’t have to see it. I don’t care if Captain America is female; I don’t have to see the movie. As for Star Wars – I did not finish either the 8th or the 9th film because I lost interest less than halfway through and really don’t care if they make another one.

    This trend of forcing PC concepts into franchises has had an unintended benefit – many people are starting to realize these manufactured “universes” are just make-believe designed only to separate you from your money. I don’t need Hollywood studios preaching to me, and more and more people are feeling the same way I do. This is a good thing.

  6. There have been a number of Robins thru the years. Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne, as well as the female Robins Carrie Kelley and Stephanie Brown. There is absolutely ZERO reason why they needed to retcon one of these Robins to make him homosexual, other than to embrace the trend of rubbing longtime fans noses in it.

    It’s absurd the number of characters that have been around for decades that are suddenly now LMNOPQ-. The first X-Men class of 1965, Iceman is homosexual and Shadowcat is bisexual. The first Green Lantern of 1940, Alan Scott, the one with the gaudy red shirt, he’s homosexual now.

    Another popular trend of the last decade and a half is to cast black actors to play live action versions of white comic book characters. It’s like Marvel is contractually obligated to do it. I could cite you an example from each of their 24 movies going back to the first Iron Man movie. Not any other POC, just black. And if you always cast a black actor for a white character, then how is that anything other than racist? Who’s the Hispanic Avenger? They’re coming out with a Shang-Chi movie soon, but he’s a martial artist. And we all know how all Asians know martial arts, right? The trailer even shows his female Asian friend crashing a vehicle to boot.

  7. I wonder if this is going to make my old comics more valuable……

  8. Saw a meme one day of Forrest Gump saying “and poof, just like that there were no more whites in commercials. Ever since, my wife, granddaughter and I say “poof” Everytime theres a commercial with blacks. We say it on every commercial now. Hispanics should be furious. They’re a larger minority and they get zero recognition.

  9. No such thing as “gay.”
    Butt licker.
    Turd burglar.
    Shitty dick.
    Fart sniffer.
    Cock wrangler.
    Whatever … “gay” was a perfectly fine word until they perverted it.

    Call it what it is! Why do we insist on euphemism?

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. I read a story some years ago that claimed Adam West(Batman) despised Burt Ward(Robin) because he had a gigantic johnson. Hence, Ward got all of the groupies. Could be bull, don’t know, don’t care. Lost interest in that kind of stuff back in the 70’s when I was a kid. The comic genre took over the movies & now it seems every one of them is gay or in the process of transitioning. All just to bow down to a tiny group of people that will never be satisfied until the entire world population bows down to them, as well.

  11. The general population is estimated to be 3-4% gay, but in entertainment, it is probably 25% – 45%, in part because they hire their own when they are in positions of power. Which gives rise to the very inaccurate belief within that community that they are a huge percentage of the population. But their objective has always been to project that idea to recruit and expand their own population. And this is recruitment and normalization.


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