Roboburgers Being Dispensed In New Jersey Mall – IOTW Report

Roboburgers Being Dispensed In New Jersey Mall


RoboBurger, the world’s first fully autonomous robotic burger chef, launched today with a ribbon cutting at the Newport Centre, a Simon Mall in Jersey City, NJ.

This restaurant in miniature cooks restaurant-quality freshly grilled burgers from scratch, and it will soon be heading to airports, malls, colleges, offices, factories, and military bases across the country.

RoboBurger is an artificially intelligent, self-operating, patented kitchen designed to include all the processes of a restaurant at a fraction of the size. It measures 12 square feet, plugs into a traditional wall socket, has a refrigerator, an automated griddle and cleaning system. More

Watch a demonstration of the machine Here

28 Comments on Roboburgers Being Dispensed In New Jersey Mall

  1. …from the article…

    “The robo-chef cooks foot in about six minutes.”



    …not sure how much I can trust the AI burger machine when they can’t even get the AI spell check right…

  2. …they tried that with ice cream here. It’s just a gimmick that gets old fast.

    Problem is, no one is going to get out of their cars to buy a burger from a vending machine in a dangerous, mostly empty mall once the novelty wears off, especially if they can’t get a side and a drink.

  3. Speaking of nasty fast food…and probably off topic:

    I rarely watch TV but last night I saw an commercial from the CDC talking about ‘warning signs of blood clots’ and when to go to the ER. Is the truth FINALLY out there??

  4. Soooooo…..several thoughts.
    Nice beginning. More advancements to come.
    Can’t wait for options; medium rare patty, BBQ sauce, slice of onion…….
    Be great for those redeye/midnight flights. No food service on the plane, nothing open at the airport, vending machines (yuck!). Order a burger or two to take on the flight with you.
    Oh, and all you non-educated, low skill, demanding $15/hr, burger flippers…..congratulations! Due to your incessant whining and lack of work ethic, you’ve made it CHEAPER for fast food places to buy a ROBOT to replace you.
    But! All is not lost. With education, skill, and work ethic, you could have a nifty NEW job in an upcoming job market: restock and resupply, cleaning/mucking out the waste bin. And for those gifted few, robotic maintenance and repair.
    Ain’t progress grand!

  5. Sounds like the best idea is to beat feet and not eat the foot/food served from a machine. And besides I don’t trust robots in the first place. What if it goes full HAL on you and won’t allow you to eat their burgers after all the biometric data is punched into the computer and it refuses your order because you are fat or have some other underlying health problems. “Dave, I’m sorry but I can’t make that burger for you because I see by your health information and social credit info that you’re a deplorable.” Alarm goes off and they call in the health Nazi’s to haul you off to Gulag.

  6. …I work with robots AND food, so I’m pretty sure I know where this goes.

    Robots are expensive and difficult to repair. Once it gets a few miles on it, it’s going to start not working. And you’re going to have to sell a WHOLE lot of $6.99 burgers to pay for that $200.00/hr service call, even BEFORE you have to order the expensive parts that have to come from China that have a 6 month lead time.

    Also, whatever system it uses to clean will, itself, have to be cleaned. Meat has a way of getting behind EVERYTHING and gets SUPER whiffy when it does. And I don’t know what kinds of checks they have on vending machines, but even your local restaurant usually has to prove that they keep the food at a certain temperature all the time, so you’re going to have to have some sort of recording device that is LEGALLY recognized, which isn’t every possible format. I don’t know New Jersey law or if USDA/MPI is going to do any regulatory action on these, but the usual default for data of this nature is “if you can’t prove it, you didn’t do it”, so you end up in all KINDS of regulatory hell if a power failure takes your SSD out and your chart recorder bunches up and you can’t prove that the burgers stayed below the required temperature during the outage.

    Not sure how they are handing the condiments either. Ever seen what happens with mustard if you don’t clean the spout? Yuck. And somehow you have to meter this, and that’s a pretty small quantity to meter. Also, you have to buy the boxes somewhere and they appear to be an integral part of the process for both positioning and delivery, and box manufacturers don’t always score or break or print their boxes right, so if you just have some college kid or bored housewife jamming them in your machine as fast as they can so they can get out of the mall quickly, they aren’t really looking at them or setting them up in a way the machine can handle, and jams and complaints will ensue.

    And your woes don’t stop there.

    You have to deliver buns, and they go bad if not used.

    You have to deliver meat, and meat goes bad if handled correctly.

    I’m guessing you can’t use ANY meat, because most automated systems require a certain amount of dimensional and weight consistency or it won’t work.

    Same with the condiments, if you don’t have the same viscosity all the time, they will not be handled correctly or metered accurately.

    …and that’s all BEFORE we get into vandalism, angry customer damage, and kids trying to steal money and product from it.

    …interesting idea. Might even work if humans weren’t involved AT ALL.

    But humans ARE involved for repair, for stocking, for monitoring, for collecting, for protection, and obviously for customers.

    So all I can say is good luck.

    You’re gonna NEED it.

  7. …too bad that gal from the fat and proud studies department (see previous thread) isn’t with us any longer.

    She’d be working that thing like a slot machine.

  8. Has that thing been tested in the “hood”?
    Can it survive the possibility of Lequanda Marie or Martavius not getting cheese on the burger she ordered?

  9. Whispering into the microphone, “Pay Them More” Eh, Joe?

    Now THEY get “Stu Cazzo” [Italian – this dick]

    And WE get Less Pubes, less attitude, and Less Deadly COOF-19 by your very own standards


  10. Different Tim,

    Jam the Fookin Machine into an Armoured Self Driving Car and sell burgers in Chicago without risking any humans.

    I like it!

  11. Humans would rather pay someone to “pay” a wymyn, to interview a trio of sexually indeterminate humans, about building robots. To make sammiches. Instead of. Just. Having “her”. Make sammiches.

    Cockroaches will survive the “anthropomorphic” apocalypse. Not because of biology. But because of intelligence.

  12. @SNS March 27, 2022 at 3:07 pm

    > …too bad that gal from the fat and proud studies department (see previous thread) isn’t with us any longer.
    > She’d be working that thing like a slot machine.

    She’d be workin’ it like a Hitachi.

    (If that doesn’t immediately “make sense”… do not Gulag it.)

  13. My 90/10 hamburger, 37 lbs of which came with another ~120 lbs of grass finished various cuts when I bought my last 1/4 side worked out to about $4.25/lb. I eat 1/2 lb. burgers sans that imitation bread garbage for a little over $2 and it’s delicious, extra rare & excellent mustard too.

    SNS makes the excellent point about cleanliness as well, I won’t eat in restaurants much less trust this thing.

  14. Looks nasty.
    Preformed burger with who knows what in it. Cheese sauce not even in the middle of the burger. Toppings on one side. Their alignment is messed up.
    Looks dry and gross.

  15. @ geoff the aardvark

    “Dave, I’m sorry but I can’t make that burger for you because I see by your health information and social credit info that you’re a deplorable.”

    So is that worse than having some unintelligent human refuse you service because your cap says MAGA or you have an LEO uniform on. Have they got robots that spit on your burger yet?


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