Robocall Scammed Border Wall Supporters – IOTW Report

Robocall Scammed Border Wall Supporters

CNN (of all news outlets) is reporting on a shady outfit that took in $100,000 in donations in January alone from people believing they are supporting the president and the building of the border wall. Most of the money being raised through the thousands of robocalls are lining the pocket of the scammer.

the group behind the calls, Support American Leaders PAC, reveals it is run by 32-year-old Matthew Tunstall, who has a history of managing shadowy groups that target people with politically charged calls in order to raise money while doing very little — if anything at all — to put that money toward a political purpose. Tunstall made more than $300,000 through these groups in the 2016 presidential cycle, FEC records show.


8 Comments on Robocall Scammed Border Wall Supporters

  1. The reason we have robocalls is that they actually work on enough people to make them profitable.

    I hang up immediately when I realize I’ve accidentally answered one and wish everyone else would too, making the immediate hang up a universal practice.

    FWIW, I also block all future answers to that number and never answer and then block anything that is calling outside of my local area code if no message is left on my machine unless I know that number and who it is.

  2. My phones set on do not disturb. If you’re not in my contacts it goes to voice mail. Robocallers and scammers seldom leave messages. I have it set so I still get texts and email.

  3. FAIC, you send money to a voice on the phone you don’t know personally, then yell, “I been scammed!”, you don’t get to vote anymore.

    I have a long list of things I think should be disqualifiers.

  4. Robocalls? You don’t know the heartbreak of robocalls until you are about to turn 65. Every insurance agent on earth calls you constantly. Because I love you all, I’ll tell you how I stopped them cold about 3 weeks ago & have almost regained my sanity, such as it is. I bought an AT&T phone with “smart call blocking.” You will thank me later.


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