Robot Tricks Pick Peppers Quick – IOTW Report

Robot Tricks Pick Peppers Quick

Named Sweeper, the robotic pepper pickers camera can determine if the fruit (peppers are fruit, right?) is ripe, then with a tiny saw it harvests and drops the pepper gently into its waiting catcher before depositing it in its basket. Watch

The only question now is, will the robots go back to their home country after the harvest is in?

19 Comments on Robot Tricks Pick Peppers Quick

  1. “61% accuracy, but it can work 20 hours per day.”

    61% of 20 is only a 12.2 hours of efficiency, and it picks a pepper in 24 seconds, assuming that’s the time after it finds a pepper with 61% accuracy; or it’s wasting 24 seconds to pick a pepper that will be rejected 39% of the time.

    If a beaner took 24 seconds to pick a rejected pepper 39% of the time 7.8 hours per day; or 24 seconds to pick a decent pepper 61% of the time 12.2 hours per day, the beaner would be canned and refried before first payroll.

    How is this failed piece of equipment a success?

  2. @ Crackerbaby: Did that ONCE, without thinking. A Cambodian hot pepper that tasted really great. I was in a public building restroom. Suffered long enough to remember to NEVER NEVER NEVER do that again.


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