Robotaxis being rolled out in over a dozen US cities – IOTW Report

Robotaxis being rolled out in over a dozen US cities

JTN: Robotaxis are operating or being tested in more than a dozen different cities with the hopes that autonomous vehicles will boost safety.

Phoenix, San Francisco and Austin are currently the only cities where people can hail an autonomous taxi, but the robotaxi company Cruise, owned by General Motors, announced that it will start testing in 14 other cities. more

18 Comments on Robotaxis being rolled out in over a dozen US cities

  1. Will they assist after an accident? Be a good Samaritan? Render first aid? Put out an engine fire with their fire extinguisher? Set up road hazard signs? Rescue someone who’s hurt in a burning car? Call First Responders on their cell phone?

    The corporate word hates people.

  2. …so they can get kickbacks on the contracts, charge the same, fire the cab drivers, and blame any accidents on the programmer.

    Good deal for politicians

    For the erstwhile cabbies, not so much…

  3. “The main issue is figuring out who has authority over the self-driving cars.”
    see? they’re fighting over who gets the lion’s share of any taxing revenue

    … when the ‘main issue’ is are all these g’ovt entities gonna foot the liabilities of these autonomous machines when they run over people? if not, who will? …. besides the taxpayers

    oh, wait …. nevermind … I think I just answered my own question

  4. I shake my head at the collective stupidity of these leftists. Yesterday I was listening to WMAL DC radio and the head of Metro was extolling the virtues of their new silent electric buses. Considering the stupidity of the DC population with their faces buried in their phones while scurrying about the streets.
    They don’t look up. They don’t look side to side.

    Silent buses and stupid pedestrians. I wonder how this will turn out?

    Democrats hardest hit.

  5. So there putting more people out of work. Funny, I didn’t realize cabbies crashed that much. And I just read there was a rash of these pilot-less vehicles wrecking Phoenix.

  6. Working in factories over the years, it’s incredible what a mindless machine can do to a human being.
    A robot doesn’t care if it takes someone’s head off.
    Sure, safeguards are in place but the machine has no cognitive function when things go awry.

  7. PHenry AT 8:53 PM
    “I shake my head at the collective stupidity of these leftists. Yesterday I was listening to WMAL DC radio and the head of Metro was extolling the virtues of their new silent electric buses. Considering the stupidity of the DC population with their faces buried in their phones while scurrying about the streets.”

    .. not ALWAYS silent.

    Sometimes they crackle and boom.


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