Rock of Ages – IOTW Report

Rock of Ages

This is the story of how a 318-year-old Bible traveled from the heart of Scotland to Indianola [Iowa].

It begins ordinarily enough – at least, the local part of the tale. Kathy Magruder, who owns Pageturners Bookstore on the Indianola Square, was invited last July to comb through the library of Calvin Community, a retirement facility in Des Moines. More

6 Comments on Rock of Ages

  1. absolutely beautiful book (a shame to see it laid out flat; breaks the spine). I hope & pray that this book will be protected during our current Muslim Insurrection. they would love to incinerate this collector’s collection; that’s what Muslims do … tear down, or steal what they cannot make … it’s a feature, not a bug

    I thoroughly agree w/ Tucker Carlson, collect & store all your books, particularly hardcovers … because when we go fully digital there will be no allowance of any ‘official’ alternate versions

    …’Fahrenheit 451′ knocking at your door … Comrade

    thoughts & ideas are dangerous in our ‘Brave, New World’

  2. Molon Aabe, if it ever comes to that I will become a living book like in Fahrenheit 451 to carry on the legacy of written books. Much like the Irish monks who saved civilization by their love of books. I don’t know what books I’d save and memorize in particular, certainly the Bible, Paradise Lost by John Milton, my favorite TS Eliot long poem Choruses From The Rock, CS Lewis, Tolkien and many others. I’m a big enough bookworm as it is, and I wouldn’t want to live in an ignorant world without books. After all, God did create the word at the beginning of time.

  3. If you like Fahrenheit 451, check out “The Book of Eli”. Denzel Washington stars in this movie as a loner traveling to complete a mission in a post-apocalyptic world. It’s an action movie that carries a Biblical theme with good story telling which has suprising wonderful twists.

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