Rocket to the Moon Scrubbed Today – IOTW Report

Rocket to the Moon Scrubbed Today

An engine cooling issue on NASA’s giant new rocket for deep-space exploration forced the agency to call off the booster’s much-anticipated launch debut early Monday (Aug. 29). 

NASA had mostly fueled its first Space Launch System (SLS) megarocket to launch the Artemis 1 moon mission on Monday when launch controllers were unable to chill one of the four main engines to the temperatures needed to handle its super-cold propellant. The issue stalled plans to launch the SLS rocket and its uncrewed Orion spacecraft on an ambitious 42-day test flight around the moon. Liftoff was scheduled for 8:33 a.m. EDT (1233 GMT).

Chilling the SLS rocket’s engines before flowing cryogenic liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen through them is a required step before the rocket can launch, NASA officials said. While three of the engines passed that test, Engine No. 3 did not, despite troubleshooting efforts.

27 Comments on Rocket to the Moon Scrubbed Today

  1. Gee NASA, you had a fleet of Space Shuttles that could have Mede the trip, but you neglected the required 20 million mile service to keep up the warranty. Oh well.

  2. Do not get me wrong. I want the US to be the first in space exploration. I want it to succeed.
    However, it does not surprise me that the O’Biden admin managed to screw this up. Even though O’Biden didn’t have anything to do with this, it is under his watch (probably an old Timex). They have said they are more interested in social justice than actual science.
    I would love the US and people to be able to visit our nearest neighbor. I don’t think that is what the Democrats have in mind. They just want to spend more money that we / they (pick your pronouns) can spend.

  3. Chief Propulsion Engineer Shaneequa Jackson, when asked what happened with the launch replied, “Shiiiiit… Whachu acksin’ me fo’?!… I dun hit dat mothuhfucka wit’ a hammer fiv’ o’ six times… mothahfucka shoulda worked yo!”.

  4. Well, did they ask the rocket if it ‘feels’ ready? Did they ask the rocket for it’s pronouns? Shouldn’t be letting some raysiss math like temperature get in the way of the rocket’s success…. You know, the thing… Getting to the moon or blowing up during fueling are all “equal” outcomes, aren’t they???

    /s OFF

    Glad common sense reigned this in, rather than stupidity insisting the readings were wrong.

  5. If it weren’t for SpaceX we would be screwed. Yeah, electric cars and particularly autonomous cars are idiotic. And going to Mars is stupid. But Musk is ‘The Man’. (however, his choice of women is right there with the cars and Mars).

  6. Woke NASA. Nothing will go well with this its unrealistic green space initiative. There will be lots of excuses for a mismanaged, faulty Millennial engineering (math is hard) and lack of attainable goals. Scotty beam Woke NASA into oblivion.

  7. Related but not related. I just thought of this. But With this wonderful electric powered automobile society, will lubricants no longer be required. Leave your bizarre sex life out of it.
    Will axles and wheels no longer require petroleum based lubricants? Drive trains, etc.

  8. Phenry,

    Electric motors have bearings, sleeves, or Magnetic bearings.

    Bearings are either permanently lubed (until they Fail) of Greaseable with grease nipples.

    Sleeves are usually Oiled (lower fractional horsepower)

    Magnetics are great until the SHTF and then \”BLAMMO\” like Homer Simpson\’s Bathtub Hooch and big $$$$$$ to fix.

    Don\’t ever use WD-40 as a lubricant on bearings. It is generally a detergent/cleaner and very temporary lubricant. It is great at removing Tar & anti-sieze etc.

    But what do I know…

  9. All them rockets look like phallic symbols, we need to get with the times and have space vehicles that look more like a coochie. We can fly ’em with the new Queef Propulsion System.

  10. I don’t know why NASA didn’t make the moon the Space Station 30 years ago and use it as a base for further exploration. I think any rocket could blast off from the moon easier than from earth.

    But, I don’t really know how difficult and expensive it would have been to establish a permanent station on the moon.

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