Rodeo Clown Fired From Michigan Fair For Saying Boys Go to the Boy’s Room – IOTW Report

Rodeo Clown Fired From Michigan Fair For Saying Boys Go to the Boy’s Room

Wilx– One of the jobs of a rodeo clown is to provide comic relief, but a clown at the Calhoun County Fair went too far, in the eyes of organizers, when he made jokes about gender identity.

A viewer sent News 10 video of the incident, which happened during a rodeo event at the fairgrounds on August 18.

“You’re either a boy or a girl, y’all understand,” said “Rockin’ Robbie Hodges, an independent contractor for Lost Nations Rodeo Company. “If you’re confused then you need help, okay?”

“Everybody in here who’s really sure they’re a boy raise your hand,” said Hodges. “If you can tinkle on a fire you go to the boys room, if you can’t, you go to the girls room, right?”

The crowd seemed to laugh at Hodge’s comments, however fair organizers are far from laughing.

“I was very disappointed, because we do not put on a platform for that to happen here,” said Megan Harvey, the Executive Director for the Calhoun County Fair.

The viewer who sent News 10 the video said many people left the rodeo following Hodge’s comments.

ht/ rob e.

Organizers wouldn’t give a crap about the rodeo clown’s rant if they didn’t think it would hurt them economically.

That’s what everyone cares about.

14 Comments on Rodeo Clown Fired From Michigan Fair For Saying Boys Go to the Boy’s Room

  1. wow the apologetic demeanor of the organizers and the ‘gosh, we’re sorry!’ from the company are so cowardly that I could scream. How has it become so acceptable to behave so cravenly at the mere intimations of ‘unacceptable behavior’ by the PC police?

  2. Gender Dysphoria is a clinically recognized mental disorder by the psychiatric community. It can be easily treated like any other abnormal mental condition. Catering to a mental illness, as though the patient has nothing wrong with them and that they must be accommodated, does a great disservice to those who suffer this condition and is nothing short of cruel.

  3. Just a comment on the graphic. Women shouldn’t be allowed in men’s facilitates also. They have cases of Women attacking young boys also female sports reporters shouldn’t be allowed in men’s locker rooms. They have cases of them being inappropriate and perverted.

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